Pope Urban 2 declares war on all non-Christians
Pope Urban II states that non-Christians doesn’t have the right to own land. He decides that explorers have the right to take land from any non-Christians. -
Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris formally ending the American revolution. -
Murder of doubleheader
Major ridge participates in the killed of doubleheader. -
Batlle of tippecanoe
General Harrison defekt trivdes leda by tecumesh -
Cherokee Indians are forced to walk to Oklahoma on the Trail of Tears
President Andrew Jackson orders Cherokee Indians off of their land east of the Mississippi to unsettled land in Oklahoma. Over 4,000 of the Cherokees die on the long walk. The walk has come to be called the Trail of Tears. -
Trial of tears
Cherokees had to Wall to different places -
The U.S. and eight Indian nations sign The Fort Laramie Treaty
The USA signs the Fort Laramie Treaty with eight Indian nations. The Treaty says that settlers will have safe passage trough Indian territory, exchange for money. The Treaty falls apart when gold is discovered. -
The U.S. government cancels the Fort Laramie Treaty
The USA government cancels the Fort Laramie Treaty, because gold has been discovered. -
Chief Sitting Bulls surrenders to U.S. troops
Chief Sitting Bulls surrenders to USA troops and is sent to prison in South Dakota. -
Murder of sitting bull
Sitting bull is killed by Indian police under orders from a Indian agent. -
Wounded Knee Massacre
Over 300 Lakota Sioux die in the massacre. -
Ghost dance
Wovoka experiences the mystical revelation that leads him to urge Native Americans to reform their lives and participate in the ritual of the Gohst Dance to prepare for the coming age of prosperity and peace.