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Native American history

  • St. Clair’s defeat

    Governor St. Clair sfifers a early morning attack when leading a punitive expedition against native Americans and more than 900 out of 1400 men from his force died.
  • Battle of fallen timbers

    An army of 5000 men defeat a confederation of native Americans.
  • Trail of tears

    The trail of tears is the march where the first party of Cherokee that had resisted removal marched to their new lands (now Oklahoma).
  • Sand creek massacre

    U.S. cavalry slaughter at least 150 Cheyenne and Arapaho which were mostly women and children.
  • Raid on Julesburg

    A raid on the town Julesburg in relation to the sand creek massacre.
  • Wounded knee massacre

    The seventh battalion opens fire on the Sioux at the wounded knee creek and kills 300 people where two thirds were women and children.