Native American Clays history Block 3

  • Pueblo Hourses

    Pueblo Hourses
    In the 1600's:
    Pueblo Indians used sun dried clay to make flat roofed houses called adobes. These are some of the first type of architexture still used in the Southwest, including flat roofs on square houses.
  • Trading

    In the 20th centerury many revived the old techniques to produse forms of striking, shaping, proportion, and texture. We use these still today.
  • Beads

    17th and 18th centuries:
    Beads first used to make stories and traded with Europeans. We still use clay beads today and trading with the Europeans created a connection between the two cultures.
  • Slipping and Painting

    Slipping and Painting
    Pueblo created slipping and painting techniques to make vessels. These new found techniques are still used today.
  • Indigenous Pottery

    Indigenous Pottery
    Before 500 BCE:
    Indigenous groups along the Peruvian Coast created a drinking vessel called the Double Spout and Bridge. It was fist used by the Paraca.
    This is used in certain religious ceremonies for groups and introduced a new way to shape pottery .
  • Woodland Pottery

    2,700 years ago(688 BCE), during the Early Woodland period, Pottery helped Native Americans settle into villages. Pottery helped the Native Americans to store their supplies so that they could begin to make villiages.
  • Mayan Flutes

    The Maya culture used clay to make flutes in 200-900 BCE This changes how people thought about the longivity of insturments. Leading to the use of other earthy products like metals.
  • Creation of the Coil

    Creation of the Coil
    50-500 BCE Pueblo Indians made Coil method pottery. Without the Pueblo's help we would still be trying to perfect the coil method today and pot making will not be as easy.
  • Early Bird Gets the Worm

    In 5630 BCE:
    The first known ceramics in the Americas where found in Caverna de Pedra Pintada, Brazil. Perhaps without the first pottery here, it would not have been introduced to the rest of the Americas so we would not have a lot of the art we do today.
  • Rio Grande

    In 1600's:
    Pueblo Indians mixed things up by using different colors and types of clay to create unique designs. These colors and types we continue to utilize even in the present.