Nationalism and Democracy

  • Period: to

    Louis XVIII becomes king

  • Defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo

  • Period: to

    King Charles X

  • Period: to

    King louis Phillippe

  • Giuseppe Mazzini founded Young Italy

  • Period: to

    King Frederick William IV of Prussia

  • Kingdom of Sardinia annexes Lombardy after defeating Austria

  • Period: to

    louis napoléon as king of second republic

  • Frankfurt Assembly fails to unify Germany

  • Period: to

    Louis Napoleon becomes Napoleon III of the Second Empire

  • Period: to

    King William (Wilhelm) I of Prussia

  • Period: to

    Bismarck’s service as prime minister/chancellor

  • Prussia and Austria capture Schleswig and Holstein from Denmark

  • Prussia defeats Austria in the Seven Weeks War

  • Period: to

    Third Republic

  • Period: to

    Franco-Prussian War

  • Italy adds Rome which completes unification

  • Italy adds Venice

  • Period: to

    paris commune

  • Period: to

    Emperor William (Wilhelm) II of Germany

  • Alfred Dreyfus convicted of treason

  • Victor Emmanuel crowned King of Italy

  • Period: to

    German 2nd Reich