
By BabyJay
  • Period: to

    King Frederick William III of Prussia

    Leader of Prussia during congresss of vienna Prussia started to decline in his rule
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    Tsar Alexander I

    Emperor of Russia defeated Napoleon and attended Congress of Vienna
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    Louis XVIII

    First King to be back into power after Napoleons rule part of the Bourbons
  • Germanic Confederation Established

    Germanic Confederation Established
    organization of 39 states at the Cngress of Vienna and replaced the Holy Roman Empire
  • Union of Netherlands and Belgium

    Union of Netherlands and Belgium
    Netherlands and Belgium join
  • Karlsbad Decrees

    Karlsbad Decrees
    Metternich wanted to supress liberal and nationalistic tendencies within the state
  • Peterloo Massacre

    Peterloo Massacre
    During the Industrial Revolution the military fired on a peaceful protest in fromt of St Peters Square
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    Charles X

    Last Bourbon of France and driven into exile
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    Tsar Nicholas I

    Russian Emperor who froze Russia for 30 years with his reactionary policies
  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    Russian revolutionaries who led an unsuccessful uprising
  • Belgium Independence

    Belgium Independence
    Belgium becomes its own country
  • Period: to


    King of France after Charles X supported upper class and fell from power because he didn not focus on the working class
  • Polish Uprising

    Polish Uprising
    Nationalistic uprising in Polond
  • July Revolution

    July Revolution
    This Reolution took Charles X out of power and put King Louis-Philippe into power 3 days of fighting
  • Supression of Polish revolt

    Supression of Polish revolt
    Tsar Nicholas supressed the polish nationalism
  • Period: to

    King Charles Albert

    King of Sardinia-Piedmont was ruling when Italy became unified
  • Reform Act

    Reform Act
    helped open the door to the middle class for political representation in Great Britain
  • Poor Law

    Poor Law
    gave aid to the poor did not help with unemployment
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    Empereor Ferdinand I

    Empereor of Austria and eldest son of Maria Theresa
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    Frederick William IV

    His policies sparked a revolution in Prussia
  • Repeal of the Corn Laws

    Repeal of the Corn Laws
    Britains first step to having free trade
  • Revolt in Austrian Empire

    Revolt in Austrian Empire
    revolt does not succeed Metternich is dismissed
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    Frankfurt Assembly

    Parliament tried and failed to create a united Gernan state
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    Francis Joseph I

    Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary divided his empire into a dual monarchy
  • Establishment of Second Republic

    Establishment of Second Republic
    government system and guarenteed male sufferage