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American revolution
The American revolution led from numerous historical events an developments in the 18th century, to establish 13 British colonies in North American to the United States of America. The military war between Britain led to the declaration of independence of America on July 4th. Including the statement that all men are born free and equal which was enlightened thinking at the time. Though the war continued between Britain and the United States until 1783. -
American Independence
Significant event marking July 4, 1776 the statement of The Declaration of Independence. Involving the thirteen colonies proclaiming their sovereignty from Great Britain. The Continental Congress voted the favour of independence on July 2, 1776. Thomas Jefferson composed the historical document of independence, July 4 is also celebrated across the nation as a festive holiday. -
Boston tea party
During the American revolution the 13 colonies located in North America established from Britain ruling. Though the British government retaliated and effected the citizens. The introduction of the Boston Tea act of 1773, included the poor profits regarding imported tea. The citizens reacted by dressing as Mohawk Indians and dumping the tea into the harbour. This demand influenced the decision for Americans to vote in British parliament. -
French Revolution
The French Revolution symbolises the determination of the french citizens to stand for their beliefs and rights of government. During the reign of Louis XIV in France, the royal family dominated the rights of the people and their voice to govern. The three estates came together to form a power agreement, the third estate demanded a political representation. Establishing the commencement of the Revolution. -
Storming of Bastille
On July 14, 1789, the French citizens, a mob of commoners and partisans invaded the Bastille state prison, as it reflected the political system in France. The old government system known as the ancien regime and royal power were expressed in this aspect. This event eradicated many citizens in the process and is a symbolic movement of the French revolution. -
Declaration of rights of man and of citizen
On august 26, 1789 the declaration was passed by the French assembly that embodied the French revolution. Rulers are to only govern with the authorization of those governed including the nation. The document enabled all men to be born free and obtain equal rights, the responsibility of a nation to have independent authority over its own lands. Therefore, the declaration included a symbolic event of the French revolution. -
March on Versailles
On October 1789, a group of women marched to the residence of the king Louis XIV and demanded for for food. Though the reasons for the citizens varied as some were hungry and many seeking revenge on the despised Marie Antoinette. The mob wished for King to be closer to the community in Paris. This day is significantly celebrated through France. -
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Serbian Revolution
The Serbian revolution included the rivalry between the Ottoman Empire during 1804 to 1835. The established independence as a European sovereign nation, inspired by the French revolution for liberty. The Ottoman didn't recognise the independent nation until 1878, therefore concluding the nation and establishing individual kingdoms. -
Congress of Vienna
The Congress of Vienna included the four European powers to be established in 1815. The power that defeated Napoleon to be balanced to prevent issues such as Imperialism. Therefore, maintaining a peace throughout Europe and the nations during this period. -
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Greek declaration of independence
The Greek nation had been under the Ottoman ruling since he 1400s. During the 1700s the French Revolution inspired many to stand for the liberty, rights and values against the Ottoman rule. Therefore, between the 21 March 1821 and 22 March 1829 the fight for independence and there established nation between the Ottoman. -
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Belgian Revolution
The conflict between August 25, 1830 to August 12, 1831 that led to the established the Belgian nation. The secession between the United Kingdom and of the Netherlands, to form the sovereign Belgian society. -
Unification of Italy
During the 19th century included the established of the Kingdom of Italy from the different states. The political and social movement included the Italian states to form as the Kingdom of Italy, though many influential individuals didn't succeed. The regional and cultural difference put aside to establish a nation. -
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Unification of Germany
During the 19th century Austria was dominating and Prussia was the only German state at the time. For Germany to be an independent established colony this would hold as a threat towards Austria. Including many german speakers in there nation, the citizens would flee to Germany resulting in a smaller and weaker nation. Therefore, Austria was opposed to the unification of Germany. -
The establishment of the independent stats of Austria and Hungary. to share a power and government form in 1867 during the territory of the Hungarian empire between the nations. Therefore, Austria and Hungary to be unified and share equal status amongst the independent nations. -
Reign of Terror
The reign of terror 1871, involved the monarchy in which France was governed. The governmental system is able to limit the kings powers which caused a crisis amongst the nation. On 21 January, 1793 Louis XIV and his wife Marie Antionette were executed on the guillotine, this act shocked the eruopean royal houses. The French public divided and over 40 000 prisoners were executed on the guillotine.