National Park Timeline

  • Department of Agriculture

    Department of Agriculture
    The North Cascades area is transferred to the Department of Agriculture as a part of the National Forest System.
  • The first steps to becoming a National Park

    The first steps to becoming a National Park
    Local conservation groups called for establishing the North Cascades as a National Park but were eventually defeated.
  • Another Attempt

    Another Attempt
    Again, local conservation groups called for establishing the North Cascades as a National Park, and again failed.
  • The First Bill

    The First Bill
    They released a report that would act as a draft for the soon to be park bill.
  • The Last Report

    The Last Report
    The final report was published for the National Park.
  • An attempt at making the North Cascades a National Park

    Senators introduced Senate Bill 1321, which established 570,000 acres of land as the North Cascades National Park.
  • The Debate

    The Debate
    There was a public hearing in Washington D.C. for both sides of the debate on the North Cascades becoming a National Park.
  • The North Cascades was made a National Park.

    The North Cascades was made a National Park.
    President Lynden Johnson signed the park into law.
  • Changing the land

    93% of the land within the park would soon become the Stephen Mather Wilderness Area.
  • Amount of space the park has

    Amount of space the park has
    The North Cascades National Park consists of 684,237 acres, which includes many different areas, like rivers, mountains and lakes.