Oct 12, 1492
Columbus Day
Columbus Day originated as a celebration of Italian-American heritage. It was first held in San Francisco in 1869. In 1937, Columbus Day became a holiday across the United States. SInce 1971, it has been celebrated on the second Monday in October. -
Labor Day
Labor Day is held on the first Monday of September. Many people mark Labor Day as the end of the summer season and last chance to make trips or hold outdoor events. The first Labor Day wsa held in 1882. Its origins stem from the desire of the Central Labor Union to create a holiday for workers. It became a federal holiday in 1894. -
President's Day (Washington's Birthday)
George Washington was the first president of the United States. He is seen as the Father of the United States. Washington's birthday is first celebrated as a holiday in the District of Coluumbia in 1880. It was made a federal holiday in 1885. The holiday was originally held on the anniversary of George Washington's birthday on February 22.In 1971, this holiday was moved to the third Monday in February. This holiday is legally designated as Washington's Birthday. -
Memorial Day
Memorial Day started as an event to honor Union soliders who had died during the American Civil War. It is originally known as Decoration Day. The current name for this day did not come into use until after World War 2. In 1968, the Uniform Holidays Bill was passed as part of a move to use federal holidays to create three-day weekends. This means that from 1971, Memorial Day has been officially observed on the last Monday in May. -
Martin Luther King Day
On November 2, 1983, President Ronald Regan signed a bill making Martin Luther King birthday ( Jan 20). As a result of the bill, Americans commerate the third Monday in January. Some teachers teach their students about the work of Martin Luther King.