National History Day Communsim

By Zylan B
  • Period: to

    The history of communism

  • Karl Marx writes a book called "The Communist Manifesto " which what modern commusim is based off

    Karl Marx writes a book called "The Communist Manifesto " which what modern commusim is based off
  • Bloody sunday

    Bloody sunday
  • The Febuary revolution

    The Febuary revolution
  • The Tsar Abdicates

    The Tsar Abdicates
  • Lenin Arrives in russia

    Lenin Arrives in russia
  • The october Revolution

    The october Revolution
  • the planned exucution of Sacco and Venzetti

    the planned exucution of Sacco and Venzetti
  • Stalin is elected General Secretary of the Communist Party

    Stalin is elected General Secretary of the Communist Party
  • U.S.S.R is formed

    U.S.S.R is formed
  • Vladimir Lenin was voted the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR

    Vladimir Lenin was voted the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR
  • the actual exucution of Sacoo and Venzetti

    the actual exucution of Sacoo and Venzetti
  • The fall of the Soviet Union

    The fall of the Soviet Union