National Democracy

  • Period: to

    Louis XVIII Becomes King

  • Defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo

  • Period: to

    Charles X Becomes King

  • Period: to

    King Louis Philippe Becomes King

  • Giuseppe Mazzini Founded Young Italy

  • Period: to

    King Frederick William IV of Prussia

  • Frankfurt Assembly fails to Unify Germany

  • Period: to

    Louis Napoleon as President of the Second Republic

  • Victor Emmanuel Crowned King of Italy

  • Period: to

    Roman Republic Mazzini

  • Period: to

    Louis Napoleon as Napoleon III of the Second Empire

  • Giuseppe Garibaldi Captures Sicily and Naples

  • Giuseppe Garibaldi Captures Sicily and Naples

  • Period: to

    King William (Wilhelm) I of Prussia

  • Kingdom of Sardinia Annexes Lombardy After Defeating Austria

  • Italy Adds Rome Which Completes Unification

  • Prussia and Austria capture Schleswig and Holstein from Denmark

  • Italy adds Venice

  • Period: to

    Third Republic

  • Period: to

    Franco-Prussian War

  • Period: to

    Paris Commune

  • Period: to

    Emperor William (Wilhelm) II of Germany

  • Alfred Dreyfus convicted of Treason