nataly STAAR 8

  • 1215

    magna carta

    english law that limited the power of the king and gave more power to rich men
  • jamestown

    first english colony in america-settled for tobacco
  • virginia house of burgees

    first form of representatives government in america
  • mayflower compact

    first written contract, promised the pilgrams to stick together
  • fundamental orders of connectitcut

    one of the first forms of representatives governments
  • mercantilism

    economic system between great britain and its colonies
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    french and indian war

    french and native americans vs. great britain it increased the debt of texas
  • proclamation line

    line set on after the french and indian war
  • stamp act

    first tax placed on the american colonist to pay back the debt caued by the french and indian war
  • stamp act congress

    first meeting between multiple colonies to discuss their problems with the king of england
  • boston massacre

    americans protesting the taxes british soldiers got things thrown at them which led to 5 colonists deaths
  • boston tea party

    to protest the tea act which put a tax on tea
  • coercive (intolerable) acts

    set to punish the colonies for their protest banned town meetings
  • first continental congress

    12 colonies met together to discuss their problems
  • battle of lexington and concord

    first battle of the revolutionary
  • common sense

    pamphlet written by thomas paine
  • second continental congress

    george washington became commander of the army
  • declaration of independence

  • battle of saratoga

    turning point in the war
  • winter at valley forge

    george washinton , lack of supplies and freezing conditions
  • battle of Yorktown

    frenchmen from france , ended the revolutionary war
  • treaty of paris

    ended the revolutionary war and recognized the american independence
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    george washingtons presidency

    he set up the president cabinet
  • george washingtons presidency

    protest to the first tax that was placed after the constitution was written , president george washington shut it down with his military
  • pinckneys treaty

    treaty signed with france to allow the u.s to trade
  • washingtons farewell address

    stay neutral in foreign affairs , avoid political parties
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    john adams presidency

    first person to claim a political party , leader of the federalist party( strong central government) , passed aliens and sedition acts , allowed the central government to imprison you if you were from foreign country
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    thomas jeffersons presidency

    leader of the democratic-republic party( states rights) , belived in stated rights , he fought in the barbary pirates war
  • louisiana purchase

    doubled the size of the U.S , thomas jefferson bought louisiana
  • marbury V. madison

    set up judicial review ,