Nat Turner

  • underground rail road

    underground rail road
  • Nat Turner was born

    Nat Turner was born
    He was a slave that had escaped from his owner and tryed to free slaves. He is also a prophet. He was known as the leader of the slave rebelion.
  • African slave trade ends.

    African slave trade ends.
  • Nat turners owner dies.

    Nat turners owner dies.
  • slave revolt begins

    slave revolt begins
    The slaves go agenst there owners.
  • Nat Turner escapes briefly.

    Nat Turner escapes briefly.
    He runs away from the town to be free.
  • The US declares war.

    The US declares war.
    The slaves had started a war agenst the slave owners.
  • Nats dad escapes.

    Nats dad escapes.
  • The Depression had happened.

    The Depression had happened.
  • James Tallmadge tries to free slaves.

    James Tallmadge tries to free slaves.
  • Nat marries cherry.

    Nat marries cherry.
    He marries Cherry and has children.
  • Nat starts to preach.

    Nat starts to preach.
    He starts preaching because he had a dream that he was a prophet.
  • Nat has visions to make him think he is a prophet

    Nat has visions to make him think he is a prophet
    He had a dream.
  • Nat Turner rebels.

    Nat Turner rebels.
    Watch this video for more information.
  • Nat Turner dies

    Nat Turner dies
    A farmer finds Nat and hangs him.