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Canada's Truth and Reconciliation History

  • The origins of residential schools in Canada

    -Confederation is in 1867.
    -The federal residential school system began in 1883.
    -But the origins of the residential school system date back to the
    1830's, when the Anglican Church opened a residential school in
    Brantford, Ontario.
  • The Federal Residential School system begins.

    Children are kidnapped from their homes. Thousands never return. Many parents never receive word about the fates of their children. Canada commits cultural genocide on the First Nations of Canada.
  • The last residential school in Canada closes.

    Yeah, that's right. 1996.
  • Truth & Reconciliation Commission is founded.

    The intent is to unearth the history that Canada has literally tried to bury. Mass graves of children are uncovered.
  • Prime Minister Harper Apologizes for Residential Schools.

    It's a political move, made by a party that doesn't have the best interests of First Nations people in mind. The vast majority of First Nations people find it to be insincere coming from someone who actively works to rid First Nations people of their rights.
  • PM Harper Tells UN That "Canada Has No History of Colonization

    One year after apologizing, Prime Minister Harper attempts to whitewash history by denying the literal foundation of "Canada," which is colonization.
  • First National Day of Truth and Reconciliation

    Prime Minister Trudeau takes the day off, instead of leading by example by taking part in the remembrance of the children whose lives were stolen from them, and the futures of their children's children's children, whose knowledge of themselves were also stolen from them.
  • Residential Schools Succeed in their goals.

    Why am I speaking English? I am what residential schools planned me to be, an Indian who doesn't know his language, isolated, trying to make it in the White man's world.