300px rodney powell nashville sit ins 1960

Nashville Sit-ins

  • Nashville Sit in begins

    Nashville Sit in begins
    Students began setting up sit ins in stores and lunch counters with a goall of desegregation
  • Period: to

    Nashvile sit ins

  • First violent response (Big Saturday)

    A group of agitators attacked the sit ins, resulting in the arrest of eighty-one protesters
  • Standoff

    The commitee suggested the counters be divided into black and white sections, but the NCLC rejeccted the proposal, thus resulting a standoff.
  • Bombing of Alexander Looby

    Protesters has insert a bomb into Alexander Looby's home, destroying it. There was no casulties and no injuries
  • The March

    After the bombing, 4000 people marched to City Hall to confront Ben West about the escalating violence
  • The Agreement

    West believed that the lunch counters should be desegregated and thus an agreement was met, On that day, six downtown stores served black customers for the first time.