American flag on the moon

NASA's Greatest Feats - By, L.Heagle and S.Baudin

  • Alan Sheppard Becomes First American Man in Space

    Alan Sheppard Becomes First American Man in Space
    Alan Sheppard completed the first manned spaceflight by an American.
  • Ed White walks in space

    Ed White walks in space
    Ed White becomes the first American man to do an EVA (spacewalk).
  • World's First Space Rendezvous

    World's First Space Rendezvous
    Gemini VI and VII meet in orbit to complete the first space rendezvous and docking in history.
  • The Apollo 1 Capsule Fire Happens

    The Apollo 1 Capsule Fire Happens
    After the success of the previous programs, NASA is blinded by victory and makes a lot of amateur mistakes which lead to the deaths of three astronauts. On the other hand, this event is very important because it is one of the reasons America got to the moon.
  • Houston, We Have A Picture

    Houston, We Have A Picture
    Apollo 8 brings back a famously influential photograph called "Earthrise" from the moon.
  • The Eagle Has Landed

    The Eagle Has Landed
    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin put the first ever footprints on the moon while Micheal Collins orbited around them during the Apollo 11 mission.
  • Apollo 13: A Successful Failure

    Apollo 13: A Successful Failure
    In the Apollo 13 service module an oxygen tank burst and damaged several support systems. Mission control guided the crew while they used the gravity of the moon to get them back home safely.
  • The Last Apollo Eagle Returns Home

    The Last Apollo Eagle Returns Home
    Apollo 17, the final Apollo mission, lands safely back on Earth.
  • Apollo-Soyuz Test Project

    Apollo-Soyuz Test Project
    This was the first international human space flight (between the U.S. and Soviet Union).
  • Viking 1 Successfully Launched

    Viking 1 Successfully Launched
    The Viking 1 mission sent a spacecraft into orbit around Mars and eventually dispatched the first successful lander on the surface of the planet.
  • First Space Shuttle Launch

    First Space Shuttle Launch
    The first Space Shuttle (Columbia) lifted of from Kennedy Space Center with Robert L. Crippen (pilot) and John W. Young (commander).
  • First American Woman in Space

    First American Woman in Space
    Sally Ride became the first American woman in space when she flew aboard the Challenger space shuttle in 1983.
  • The First African American In Space

    The First African American In Space
    Guion Bluford became the first African American in space when he rode aboard the STS-8 Challenger. He later passed during the Challenger explosion in 1986.
  • Launch of the Hubble Space Telescope

    Launch of the Hubble Space Telescope
    When the Hubble was launched it was one of the greatest advances in humanity. Its position above the Earth's atmosphere makes it more ideal for taking pictures than telescopes on the ground.
  • Pathfinder and Sojourner Head To Mars

    Pathfinder and Sojourner Head To Mars
    The rover Pathfinder along with mini-rover Sojourner head on their year long flight to Mars.
  • First Crew Aboard The ISS

    First Crew Aboard The ISS
    Traveling in a Soyuz rocket Expedition 1 becomes the first crew to ever board the International Space Station. The crew consisted of Soyuz Commander Yuri Gidzenko, American Commander Bill Sheppard, and Soyuz Flight Engineer Sergei Krikalev (left to right).
  • The Cassini Probe Arrives at Saturn

    The Cassini Probe Arrives at Saturn
    After a seven year journey, the Cassini Probe has made it to Saturn. The probe will spend 4 years photographing the planet.
  • The First Landing On An Alien Moon

    The First Landing On An Alien Moon
    The Huygens probe lands on one of Saturn's moons, Titan. It had been carried by the probe Cassini which is now in orbit around Saturn.
  • On The Hunt

    On The Hunt
    The Kepler spacecraft is sent on a hunt to search for extra-solar planets. The spacecraft uses a technique called the "transit" method to help find the planets.
  • The Last Space Shuttle Mission

    The Last Space Shuttle Mission
    The space shuttle Atlantis heads on NASA's last Space Shuttle mission, lasting for 12 days.
  • New Horizons Flyby of Pluto

    New Horizons Flyby of Pluto
    After more than nine years of travel, the New Horizons spacecraft arrived at Pluto and revealed that Pluto is in fact 50 miles larger than previously thought.
  • The Cassini Mission Ends And Crashes Into Saturn

    The Cassini Mission Ends And Crashes Into Saturn
    After orbiting around Saturn for more than 13 years collecting data through photos, the Cassini probe is directed to crash into Saturn, thus ending its mission.