Napoleon bonaparte ab (1)

Napoleons Rise and Fall Timeline By: Hannah Ekstrum Hour: 4

  • Coup D’état (Becoming Dictator)

    Coup D’état (Becoming Dictator)
    The Directory had lost control of the political power and Napoleon's friends had convinced him to take power. And he drove the National Legislative out of the country. The lawmakers had decided to get rid of the Directory and in it's place they made the three consuls. Napoleon was the first consul and quickly gained power and acted like a dictator.
  • Concordat

    Napoleon signed an agreement with Pope Pius VII that said that the church can have an influence on government, but rejected church control in National affairs. That helped Napoleon gain support of many people. (Not sure about the exact date, but the year is right)
  • Loss of American Territories

    Loss of American Territories
    When ideas about the revolution reached the planters in Saint Domingue they demanded to have the same rights as those in France, then so did enslaved Africans. After that a civil war broke out. After the failed expedition in Saint Domingue, Napoleon decided to sell the Louisiana Territory for $15 million in 1803 to the U.S. For Napoleon there were two benefits, one gaining money, and another punishing the British. (I'm not sure that the exact date is right, but the year is right)
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    Napoleon had made a new set of laws for France called the Napoleonic Code. This was Frances first set of laws that included rules about property, colonial affairs, the family, and individual rights.(not sure about the exact date, but I know the year is right)
  • Napoleon crowned as Emperor

    Napoleon crowned as Emperor
    Napoleon decided to make himself emperor, and the voters agreed. And on his coronation day he dressed in a purple robe, walked down the aisle, to the pope who was holding the crown, and took the crown from him and put it on his own head. This action signaled that he was more powerful than the church.
  • Conquering of Europe

    Conquering of Europe
    The British (Frances rival at the time) persuaded Russia, Austria, and Sweden to go against France with them so Napoleon decide to a series of battles against them. In these battles he had crushed his competition and won. (I'm not sure if the exact date is right, but the year is)
  • Continental System

    Continental System
    Napoleon decided to set up a blockade between England and it's surrounding European countries. He did this to prevent trade between the countries and to destroy England's economic system. Neither of which worked, because there were smugglers in Europe who would smuggle trading.
  • Invasion of Russia (scorched earth policy)

    Invasion of Russia (scorched earth policy)
    Even though Russia was Frances enemy, Russia continued to sell grain to England. That among other things broke their alliance, and France invaded Russia. (I'm not sure if the exact date is right, but I know that the year is right)
  • The Hundred Days

    The Hundred Days
    A new king took place in Britain and he quickly became very unpopular with the people. They thought he was going to undo the Revolution’s land reforms.
  • Waterloo

    Napoleon attacked Britain, but they stood there ground all day. Later Prussia helped Britain attack France. After two days of fighting Napoleon's troops gave way, and Prussia and Britain chased them from the field.