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Napoleonic Timeline

  • Napoleonic Timeline Start

    Napoleonic Timeline Start
  • napolean's coup d'etat

    napolean's coup d'etat
    Napoleon and his people used a coup d'etat to get rid of the directory. To do that the power was given to the three consuls but who really had all the power was the first consul which was now napoleon.
  • Banque De France

    Banque De France
    Napoleon set up a national banking system called the Banque De France. He did this to fix what happened during the revolutionary period and the things they lost during that time.
  • the battle of Marengo

    the battle of Marengo
    the battle of Marengo was a victory the thing that helped Napoleon lock in power as the first consul, and the battle also helped to get the Austrians out of Italy.
  • Lycees were made

     Lycees were made
    Lycees were public schools run by the government although at first, the people thought that he wanted to cause patriotism, making the kids have no freedom of thought.
  • the concordat

    the concordat
    The concordat was an agreement made between Napoleon Bonaparte and papal and clerical representatives in both Rome and Paris. that ended the breach in the catholic church in France caused by church reforms during the french revolution.
  • Napoleonic tax collection

    Napoleonic tax collection
    he balanced the budget of France, Napoleon made the taxing fair so that it didn’t matter if they were rich or who they were born into they still had to pay their fair amount of taxes.
  • napolean's vote

    napolean's vote
    Napoleon sold the territory of Louisiana to Thomas Jefferson for 15 million dollars because he was short on money. it was also too hard to defend Louisiana this made the west was happy.
  • napoleons taxing

    napoleons taxing
    he balanced the budget of France, Napoleon made the taxing fair so that it didn’t matter if they were rich or who they were born into they still had to pay their fair amount of taxes.
  • Napoleonic code

    Napoleonic code
    This made it so that men would have control over their families. Women and children had no rights but the men had equal rights amongst themselves and it also brought back colonial slavery.
  • Napoleon crowns himself

    Napoleon crowns himself
    Napoleon Bonaparte crowned himself emperor this showed that he wouldn’t let anyone have power over him but himself and also to show anyone that may have been against him that he was the most powerful in France
  • The battle of Austerlitz

    The battle of Austerlitz
    The battle was also known as the battle of three emperors. This was an important event where Napoleon’s army, the Grande Armée of France, won against a larger Russian and Austrian army led by Alexander I and Holy Roman Emperor Francis II.
  • The battle of Borodino

    The battle of Borodino
    This was a battle between napoleon's forces the french and Prince Kutuzov’s forces the Russian army. The French won and kept moving to Moscow but their losses in the last battle affected their defeat.
  • Napoleonic Timeline End

    Napoleonic Timeline End