Napoleon plebiscite

Napoleonic Timeline

  • Coup d'etat

    Coup d'etat
    The french directory was overthrown and replaced with the consulate where there was three people (Consuls). Napoleon quickly became the first consul assuming powers of a dictator.
  • Bank of France

    Bank of France
    Napoleon created the bank of france so the economy would recover after the french and american revolutions.
  • Plebiscite

    In February of 1800 a vote of the people was held to approve the creation of a new constitution. The people voted for the new constitution and they gave all the power to Napoleon Bonaparte as the first consul.
  • Concordat of 1801

    Concordat of 1801
    The concordat of 1801 is an agreement reached between Napoleon and Papal and clerical representation from both rome and paris defining the status of the roman catholic Church in France.
  • Louisiana Territory for $15 mil

    Louisiana Territory for $15 mil
    Napoleon thought that the Louisiana Territory was to difficult to defend so he sold it to the president of the united states at the time President Jefferson for Fifteen million dollars.
  • Napoleons Creation of Schools

    Napoleons Creation of Schools
    Napoleon built many lycees during his reign (Schools for boys age ranging from 10-16 in france. School was now available more to the middle class then it had ever been.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    The napoleonic code made men's power over their families stronger. Made sure woman didn't have individual rights.
  • The Coronation

    The Coronation
    Napoleon invited the pope from a different country to crown Napoleon emperor but instead as the pope was about to crown him he took the crown and crowned himself the emperor of the french empire.
  • The Battle of Ulm

    The Battle of Ulm
    During the battle of ulm around 50k to 60k Austrians were captured as prisoners for the French Empire. The last of the Austrains were forced into Ulm where they surrendered as their russian allies were to slow to get there in time to help.
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    The Battle of Austerlitz was an important part of european history and Napoleons biggest victory, he fought against the Russian and Austrian empires defeating both of them. The Battle of Austerlitz was also called the Battle of the three Emperors.
  • Restricting trade with Great Britain

    Restricting trade with Great Britain
    Napoleon restricted anyone under the french empire from trading with Great Britain after Great Britain used it's navy to create a blockade from Brest to Elbe.
  • The Battle of Borodino

    The Battle of Borodino
    This battle took place around 70 miles west from Moscow, Russial. Napoleon had 130,000 troops with more than 500 guns against 120,000 russians with more than 600 guns.