Napoleonic Era

  • Period: to

    Napoleon attempts to conquer Egypt and cut off English trade lines and is defeated by Horatio Nelson

    At the end of his struggles against Austria as the commander of French forces in Italy, Napoleon Bonaparte convinced France’s Directory to invade Egypt. Raising a force of 40,000, Napoleon takes on the campaign, his purpose being to overthrow the Mamelukes and establish a modern government friendly toward France. After initial victories, the defeat of the French navy to Horatio Nelson cuts off French supply lines, leading to numerous defeats and eventually Napoleon’s retreat back to France.
  • Napoleon's coup d'etat, overthrowing the Directory

    Returning home to France, Napoleon learns that influential legislature members are conspiring against the Directory. Napoleon is chosen by the conspirators as a strong military ruler, and helps them organize a takeover. The conspirators and Napoleon oust the Directors and disband the legislature.
  • Napoleon is declared First Consul

    With France’s Directory abolished, Napoleon is named first consul of the French republic. A new constitution consolidating his position is approved.
  • Napoleon is declared Emperor

    In the midst of war, Napoleon proclaims himself to be the emperor of France.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    After renewing war with Britain, Napoleon plans for an invasion. While attempting to bring his Mediterranean fleet around Gibraltar to Northern France, the Battle of Trafalgar takes place, where the English under Lord Nelson crush a combined French and Spanish fleet. Napoleon’s planned invasion of England thus becomes impossible.
  • The Continental System is implemented

    In order to isolate Britain economically, Napoleon puts into place a system of blockades known as the Continental System. France and its satellite states and allies were all expected to take part in the system.
  • Spanish nationalists overthrow Napoleon

    In response to Napoleon’s attempts to make Spain a French satellite with a Bonaparte king, Spanish Catholics, monarchists, and patriots rebel against the French armies occupying Madrid. Amidst a growing sense of nationalism, the Spanish rebels overthrow French rule in Spain.
  • Napoleon is defeated in Russia

    In response to the failure of the Continental System, Napoleon assembles an army of 600,000 and begins an invasion of Russia. As this army presses on toward Moscow, the Russians retreat, applying a “scorched earth” policy that involves destroying or carrying off anything that might be useful. Reaching a burned and abandoned Moscow, Napoleon retreats. The Russian army, the Russian winter, and starvation ravage Napoleon’s army. Napoleon returns to France, abandoning his battered troops.
  • Napoleon is defeated at Leipzig (Battle of the Nations)

    After initial victories against the Fourth Coalition in Germany, Napoleon’s army is defeated at the Battle of the Nations in Leipzig by Germany’s General Blucher.
  • Napoleon is exiled to Elba

    Suffering defeat at the hands of the Fourth Coalition, Napoleon abdicates his throne. The coalition grants Napoleon the island of Elba off the coast of Italy as his own small state and exile him there.
  • Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo

    After escaping Elba and reclaiming his position in France, Napoleon gathers his forces and fights the coalition. His troops suffer defeat at Waterloo.
  • Napoleon is exiled to St. Helena

    After being decisively defeated for a second time by the forces of the Fourth Coalition, Napoleon is imprisoned on the island of St. Helena off the western coast of Africa.