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Napoleonic empire

  • Coup de Brumaire

    Coup de Brumaire
    Napoleon overtakes the French Directory. Through the support of the French people he creates the French Consulate.
  • Napoleon is elected Fist Consul

    Napoleon is elected Fist Consul
    He is going to mantein this position for 10 years.
  • Treaty of Luneville

    Treaty of Luneville
    Treaty of Peace, concluded at Lunéville,between the French Republic and the Emperor and the Germanic Body.
  • Concordant of 1801

    Concordant of 1801
    Napoleon accepts Catholicism as the greatest religion in France.Brought back the church's civil status into society, after the French Revolution.
  • Napoleon First Consul for life

    Napoleon First Consul for life
    Napoleon appoints himself First Consul for life.
  • Napoleon started his conquest

  • Period: to

    Napoleonic empire

    Napoleonic empire had a big expansion, due to military victories over European enemies. Napoleon spread enlightenment an revolutionary ideas( Freedom, Equality, Fraternity).
  • Napoleonic civil code

    Napoleonic civil code
    The Napoleonic civil code was introduced.
  • Napoleon was crowned emperor

    Napoleon was crowned emperor
    He was crowned emperor by the Pope. In the cathedral of Notre Dame .
  • The third coalition

    The third coalition
    This alliance was created to challenge the ever-increasing French dominance.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    A significant defeat suffered by Napoleon. England was able to destroy the invading Spanish and French ships. This battle confirmed England's dominance over the seas.
  • Victory in Austerlitz

    Victory in Austerlitz
    The first engagement of the War of the Third Coalition and one of Napoleon's greatest victories.
  • The peninsular war

    The peninsular war
    As well known as “War of Independence”. Napoleonic Wars fought in the Iberian Peninsula, where the French were opposed by British, Spanish, and Portuguese forces.
  • France invade Russia

    France invade Russia
  • Napoleons army occupied Moscow

    Napoleons army occupied Moscow
    The city was set on fire by the remaning inhabitants. There was little left for French army in terms of provisions so they suffered from disease and great loss.
  • Quadruple alliance

    Formed between Austria, Prussia, Russia and Britain. The aims of this alliance was to restore the monarchy in France by appointing Louis XVIII as King. Also Napoleon was exiled to an island called Elba and the treaty of Paris was signed and defined France to specific political territories.
  • Sixth coalition

    Sixth coalition
    Formed by Britain, Austria, Russia, Sweden and German states
  • Napoleon is banished to Elba

    Napoleon is banished to Elba
    Napoleon Bonaparte, emperor of France, abdicates the throne, and, in the Treaty of Fontainebleau, is banished to the Mediterranean island of Elba.
  • The Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna
    Reorganized Europe after the Napoleonic wars.
  • The Holy Alliance

    The Holy Alliance
    By Russia, Prussia and Austria, later Great Britain.
    To restore the divine right of kings in politics.
    To prevent liberal revolutionary uprisings.
  • Napoleon escapes his exile

  • Napoleon returns to France

    Napoleon returns to France
  • Period: to

    The Hundred days

    The date on which Napoleon arrived in Paris after escaping from exile on Elba, and the date of the return of Louis XVIII to Paris.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    The battle which marked the final defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • Napoleon is exiled to St.Helena

    Napoleon is exiled to St.Helena
  • Napoleon dies

    Napoleon dies
    Napoleon died after a six year exile in St Helena due to stomach cancer.