Napoleon Timeline Project

  • Birth of Napoleon

    Birth of Napoleon
    Born on August 15th 1796 in Ajaccio, France. Marked the birth of one of the most powerful France leaders ever.
  • Campaign in Italy

    Campaign in Italy
    Napoleon lead his army into Italy where he was brutally outnumbered. His goal was to conquer both the Austrians and Piedmont´s separately.
  • Campaign in Egypt

    Campaign in Egypt
    Invasion of Egypt and Syrian territories. His goal was to defend French trade interests. The campaign ended in 1801
  • Concordat

    He signed the concordat, which was an agreement with the pope. By him signing this, it gave him the support of the organized church.
  • First Consul of Life

    First Consul of Life
    The directory of France was the consulate. Napoleon became the first consul. By him the first consul it made him Frances leading political figure.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    France´s first set of civil laws. They included laws that covered, concerning property, individual rights, and colonial affairs.
  • ¨Emperor of the French¨

    ¨Emperor of the French¨
    Made himself emperor of France. He then took control of the Austrian Netherlands and some other countries to gain more power.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    This was his only loss during this time. The British navy defeated him, which kept him from conquering Britain
  • Continental System

    Continental System
    A policy to make Europe more self- sufficient. It was an effort to stop all trade between Britain and and other European nations.
  • Campaign in Russia

    Campaign in Russia
    Invaded Russia and was terribly defeated. The Russians withdrew and 30,000 French men died. The campaign ended on December 12th 1812.
  • Defeat at Battle of Leipzig

    Defeat at Battle of Leipzig
    One of the last defeats that resulted in what was left of the French power. It was also one of the biggest of Napoleon´s wars.
  • Elba

    Abdicates the throne and is sent to the island of Elba. A island on the Mediterranean.
  • Becomes a general in the French Army

    Becomes a general in the French Army
    His military career lasted about 20 years. He was a great and powerful French army general that lead to the Napoleonic wars
  • Waterloo

    Napoleon was defeated by the British and the Prussians in Belgium. This defeat finalized the end of his reign.
  • St. Helena

    St. Helena
    Exiled again to a farther island off the coast of Africa, St. Helena. He then died there as a British prisoner.
  • Death of Napoleon

    Death of Napoleon
    Died at age 52 in Saint Helena. Possibly died of stomach cancer, but some theories include that he could have been poisoned.