Napoleon Timeline

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  • Louis XVI’s death

    Louis XVI’s death
    He was the first French king to be executed by guillotine. This ended the French monarchy and began to search for politcal fairness
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    This was the period in the French Revolution when there was politcal chaos and 40,000 people were sentenced to death because they were considered enemies of the revolution
  • Napoleon Becomes Emperor of France

    Napoleon Becomes Emperor of France
    Napoleon crowns himself the emperor of France. He is the first one to hold this title in over 1,000 years.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    This was not the first legal system but it is still used today. It said that everyone had certain birth rights such as the freedom of religion. It was put into action right after Napoleon rose to power.
  • The Peninsular War

    The Peninsular War
    This was a conflict in whih France fought against Spain, Portugaul, and the United Kingdom for control of the Iberian Peninsula. France invaded Spain and the U.K. and Portugaul retaliated and invaded France. The war ended in 1814
  • Battle of Leipzig

    Battle of Leipzig
    This battle was fought betwen France (which contained Italian and Polish troops) and Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sweden. This was the first time Napoleon had been beaten, it began his downfall, and this battle carried momentum for the invasion of France. This battle had over 600,000 soldiers which makes it the largest battle in Europe before WWI
  • Exile to Elba

    Exile to Elba
    This was the first time Napoleon was exiled. It occured after the Battle of Leipzig. He escaped the island in 1815 and returned to power.
  • Hundred Days

    Hundred Days
    This marks the period when Napoleon returned to Paris from exile and the restoration of the French king Louis XVIII (this was roughly about 110 days). After the battle of Waterloo, France restored the monarchy and thereby ending the Hundred Days period.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    This battled occured right after Napoleon escaped his first exiled. Multiple countries cornered Napoleon and he attempted to flee. He was caught and was exiled to Saint Helena, where he died in 1821 at age 51.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    This was convened because Europeans wanted to create a system of balanced power so no more imperialists would not rise up, like Napoleon. It was also to create a peace between the political powers