Birth of Napoleon
Napoleon was born on August 15th 1769. He was born at Ajaccio, Corsica which was in France. -
Campaign in Italy
The Campaign in Italy was taken place when World War ll was happening. It involves Italy, Germany, U.S, and Great Britain. -
Campaign in Egypt
French amuse Rome, establish a republic and impound the pope. French overpower south Italy. -
Concordat was an agreement made on July 15th 1801. The Concordat was in Rome and Paris. -
First Consul for Life
Slavery was re-established in the colonies. On August 4th 1802, the First Consul was named Consul for Life. -
"Emperor of the French"
The title and relating to an empire power would be "hereditary in his family." A new nobility was created, including 16 marshals of the empire. -
Napoleonic Code
The first, the Civil Code of France promote on March 21, 1804, is made up of of three books. The Napoleonic Code eliminated conflicting petty statutes and made the law steady throughout France. -
Battle of Trafalgar
The two sides met close to the Spanish coast near Cape Trafalgar. Undertook to clear the English Channel of its naval defenders so that the French emperor's attacking forces could overwhelm the British. -
Continental System
All continental ports closed to British ships in 1806. The power of the British navy, one day broke the system. -
Campaign in Russia
The French accidentally cheered all Europe. Napoleon's Prussian allies, noticing weakness in the Russian and Spanish setbacks, formed a new alliance with Russia, Sweden, and Austria to pursue a "War of Liberation." -
Defeat at Battle Leipzig
The Battle of Leipzig, also known as the Battle of Nations.The battle costed a great number of disasters. -
Becomes a General in the French Army
A dependent government under Charles Talleyrand exiles Napoleon. Becomes king of France. -
Located six miles off the coast of southern Tuscany, is the largest of seven islands. Napoleon created many improvements that can still be seen. -
The Battle of Waterloo was one of the most famous in the history. The British grunt defeat the French attacks and leading on the French at night. -
St. Helena
Saint Helena was the wife of Roman emperor Constantius. -
Death of Napoleon
The former French ruler who ruled an empire that developed across Europe. Napoleon dies as a British prisoner on the lonely island of Saint Helena in the south of the Atlantic Ocean.