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Napoleon Timeline

  • Italian Campaign 🟒

    Italian Campaign 🟒
    Napoleon lead his French forces to victory. This victory made napoleon be at noticed as a commander.
  • Egyptain Campaign 🟑

    Egyptain Campaign 🟑
    Napoleon was hoping to disrupt trade with India so he led an expedition to Egypt. It was disaster but napoleon hid stories from his admirers in France. It was a disaster for Napoleon but he was not in trouble for it.
  • Consulate 🟒

    Consulate 🟒
    Napoleon was driving for more success, he went from a war leader to a political leader. He then overthrow the weak Directory known as the Consulate.
  • Banque de France 🟒

    Banque de France 🟒
    The Banque de France is a institution ran by France and European law. He won support across class lines for his social and economic reforms.
  • Concordat of 1801 🟒

    Concordat of 1801 🟒
    Napoleon and Pope Pius met for an agreement This agreement ended church reforms
  • Napoleon Named Cosul for Life 🟒

    Napoleon Named Cosul for Life 🟒
    After many accomplishments like forcing Spain to return Louisiana to Franch and others, Napoleon named himself counsul for life.
  • Declared self Emperor 🟒

    Declared self Emperor 🟒
    Napoleon had acquired enough power to assume himself the title of Emperor of the French. He invited the pope to this occosion and Napoleon decided to take the crown out of the popes hand and place it on his head.
  • Napoleonic Code 🟒

    Napoleonic Code 🟒
    The Napoleonic Code was the longest lasting reform of Napoleons codes. It embodied Enlightenment principals and ideas like the equality of all citizens. This also undid some reforms, for example Woman lost most of there newly gained rights.
  • Resistance in Spain πŸ”΄

    Resistance in Spain πŸ”΄
    Napoleon introduced reforms to undermine the Spanish Catholic Church, however Spain fought back and tied down French soldiers.
  • Battle of Trafalger πŸ”΄

    Battle of Trafalger πŸ”΄
    During the Napoleonic Wars, Napoleon prepared to invade England, but was faced with the Battle of Trafalgar, it was fought off the southwest coast of Spain, the British destroyed the French Fleet.
  • Napoleon Abolishes the Holy Roman Empire 🟑

    Napoleon Abolishes the Holy Roman Empire 🟑
  • Continental System πŸ”΄

    Continental System πŸ”΄
    The Continental System closed European ports to British goods. Britain responded with its own blockade of Euthanasia goods. The system failed to bring Britain to its knees
  • Invasion of Russia πŸ”΄

    Invasion of Russia πŸ”΄
    Leader of Russia Tsar Alexander l, was once allied with napoleon when they planned to divide Europe if Alexander helped Napoleon with his Continental System, Alexander didn’t agree with this system so Napoleon invaded Russia. The Russians skillfully avoided battle and caused the French to get hungry and cold during the winter
  • Battle of Nations πŸ”΄

    Battle of Nations πŸ”΄
    After the results of the invasion of Russia, Russia alongside Britain, Austria, and Prussia formed an alliance against France This new alliance defeated Napoleon
  • Napoleon’s Abdication 🟑

    Napoleon’s Abdication 🟑
    Napoleon briefly Abdicates from power, the victors send him to Elba where then a new kind is crowned Louis XVIII. Louis accepted the Napoleonic Code.
  • Hundred Days 🟑

    Hundred Days 🟑
    Napoleon returns from Elba and enters Paris in triumph. His triumph was short lived however
  • Waterloo πŸ”΄

    Waterloo πŸ”΄
    The opposing armies met near the town of Waterloo in Belgium. British and Prussian forces crushed the French and Napoleon was exiled on St. Helena. He would not return.