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Napoleon Timeline

  • Italian Campaign (Green)

    Italian Campaign (Green)
    The French army under the leadership of Napoleon invaded Italy with the aim of forcing the first coalition to abandon Sardinia. Napoleon conquered most of Italy.
  • Egyptian Campaign (Red)

    Egyptian Campaign (Red)
    The Egyptian Campaign was a failure do to the British army led by Lord Nelson tearing through the French fleet.
  • Banque de France (Green)

    Banque de France (Green)
    Started the economic recovery after the strong recession of the revolutionary period in France.
  • Concordat of 1801 (Green)

    Concordat of 1801 (Green)
    An agreement between Napoleon and the pope in both Rome and Paris. This ended the religious tension in with the Roman Catholic Church being the defined status in France.
  • Consul for Life (Green)

    Consul for Life (Green)
    Napoleon proclaimed himself the first consul for life.
  • Napoleonic Code (Yellow)

    Napoleonic Code (Yellow)
    Recognized the Principles of civil liberty, equality before law and the right to property given. Also undid reforms of the revolution. (mainly for women)
  • Consulate (Yellow)

    Consulate (Yellow)
    The Consulate had full power of elections with Napoleon assuming the role of first council. It made France more efficient and abolished most of the remnants of class privilege.
  • Declared Himself Emperor (Green)

    Declared Himself Emperor (Green)
    Napoleon personally crowned himself Emperor war the dame de Paris. He famously snatched the crown and put it on his on head.
  • Battle of Trafalgar (Red)

    Battle of Trafalgar (Red)
    This was a battle of the sea between Britain and France. Britain inevitably won the battle handing France a devastating loss.
  • Abolished holy Roman Empire (Green)

    Abolished holy Roman Empire (Green)
    The empire was dissolved when the late Holy Roman Emperor Francis I of Austria abdicated following a military defeat.
  • Continental System (Yellow)

    Continental System (Yellow)
    The Continental System was created by Napoleon to paralyze Great Britain through destruction of British commerce. British then retaliated with their own blockade of Europe ports.
  • Resistance in Spain (Red)

    Resistance in Spain (Red)
    Spanish people rose up against the French in the city of Madrid ultimately killing 150 soldiers by night fall. The French then killed thousands of Spaniards in retaliation.
  • Invasion of Russia (Red)

    Invasion of Russia (Red)
    Napoleon planned on invading Russia during the warm month but the war was dragged on by Russia until Winter which forced Napoleon to retreat and get cut off by the Russia killing many.
  • Hundred Days (Red)

    Hundred Days (Red)
    Napoleons march into Paris with his supporters after escaping exiles in Elba. This secured the restoration of Louis to the French throne and banishment of Napoleon again.
  • Waterloo (Red)

    Waterloo (Red)
    This was Napoleons last defeat in war which came against the Duke of Wellington. This brought an end to the Napoleonic era.
  • Abdication (Red)

    Abdication (Red)
    After Napoleons unsuccessful invasion of Russia Napoleon was forced to renounce his heirs to claim any future throne in France.