Napoleon Timeline

  • 1796-1797 Italian campaign🟢

    1796-1797 Italian campaign🟢
    The Italian campaign was Napoleon’s first campaign of the revolutionary wars, Napoleon had taken a large part of Italy and claimed it as his own and now had more land to work with and expand his empire to create a better economy.
  • 1798 Egyptian Campaign 🟡

    1798 Egyptian Campaign 🟡
    Napoleon‘s next campaign was the Egyptian campaign and at first Napoleon believed he had the upper hand and captured cities and Egypt and one battle of the pyramids and other victories, but then ended in defeat and Napoleon had to withdraw his troops from the region and cannot fully succeed in this campaign.
  • 1799 Consulate 🟢

    1799 Consulate 🟢
    The consulate is a group of three men who work together as one to make the best decisions for France and Napoleon decided to take the title of the leader and from there he had many successes and succeeded this role of consulate.
  • 1800 Banque de France 🟢

    1800 Banque de France 🟢
    Napoleon created the bank of France to help France get out of the great debt that they got into and help the economy and currency to get out of this financial crisis. This was a big step in the revolution for France and helped the Country recover from the terrible economy.
  • 1801 Concordat of 1801🟢

    1801 Concordat of 1801🟢
    The concordat of 1801 was an agreement made by Napolitan and the clergy cool representatives for the Roman Catholic Church and made the decision that it would restore France's relationship with the church and got rid of the anti-religious policies that were made so the churches could be more independent and religious friendly.
  • 1802 Consul for Life 🟢

    1802 Consul for Life 🟢
    Napoleon declared himself this after winning many military victories and solving political crazies and the public and other government officials encouraged and approved of him taking this title because he had helped the nation so much.
  • 1804 Declares self emperor 🟢

    1804 Declares self emperor 🟢
    Napoleon declared himself emperor to prove that he will make his own decisions for the better of friends and that he will not step down to other countries and will keep on fighting and make allies to give France its best outcome.
  • 1804 Napoleonic Code 🟡

    1804 Napoleonic Code 🟡
    Napoleonic code was made so that men have stronger power over their families and got rid of women’s rights that were previously made in revolutions before and were granted that all male citizens had equal rights under the law and slavery was reintroduced. This code in the end proved to work for some amount of time but then was changed but was later brought back into idea after Napoleon’s age.
  • 1806 Battle of Trafalgar 🔴

    1806 Battle of Trafalgar 🔴
    In the battle of Trafalgar Napoleon allied with the Spanish and we’re in a battle at sea with Britain to assert who has dominance over the sea and trading routes. This proved to be a failure of Napoleon and the Spanish and French fleets were destroyed by the British and Britain now took dominance of the seas and trading passages.
  • 1806 Holy Roman Empire Abolished 🟢

    1806 Holy Roman Empire Abolished 🟢
    Napoleon's wars now involve the Holy Roman empire which was divided into many different things but mostly made up of Austrian territory and Napoleon took over and defeated the Austrians in battle and made the treaty of Pressburg too make peace and rid of the Holy Roman Empire, which would continue on and turn into Germany.
  • 1806 Continental system 🔴

    1806 Continental system 🔴
    Napoleon had believed that by making the Continental System he could regain access to the seas and trade and believed that he could persuade other European countries to boycott trades with England and turn on England so that he could have access to the sea instead. But England already had so many natural resources and other trading routes that it was able to be fine and other European countries did not want to turn on them.
  • 1808 Spanish resistance 🔴

    1808 Spanish resistance 🔴
    Spain was getting tired of Napoleon‘s constant orders in control of their empire and church so revolts started to outbreak against Napoleon and the Spanish were no longer taking orders that would kill so many of their men and not benefit their country anymore.
  • 1812 Invasion of Russia 🔴

    1812 Invasion of Russia 🔴
    Napoleon's army believed that they could easily take down the capital of Russia and make them listen to him instead, but the Russian forces did not want to get into battle with him and instead Let Napoleon and his army suffer throughout the winter in Russia. So many of Napoleon‘s band died that they had to retreat and were not able to battle the Russians.
  • 1813 Battle of Nations as Zeipzig 🔴

    1813 Battle of Nations as Zeipzig 🔴
    The European countries picked up on how Napoleon was getting too powerful and they were all sick of him trying to control everything so Russia, Austria and Britain joined forces to defeat Napoleon and take down his army so he would stop making more battles and cause more chaos.
  • 1814 Abdication 🟡

    1814 Abdication 🟡
    Because of Napoleon’s large losses in his most recent battles the French have decided that he would need to be stepped down from power and had been exiled to Elba. well Napoleon was a way the French attempted to restore Louis XVIII but he did not accept Napoleonic code and believe that the revolution was going the right way. The French believed that they were going to go into another economic depression since Napoleon went away.
  • 1815 Hundred days 🟢

    1815 Hundred days 🟢
    The 100 days was the period between Napoleon‘s return and exile and the restoration of LouisXVIII. This was also a break from Napoleon's wars and a time where France benefited from no longer being in constant battles and making enemies with more countries.
  • Jun 18, 1815 Waterloo 🔴

    Jun 18, 1815 Waterloo 🔴
    This would be Napoleon’s first battle after abdication and would define if he had changed to become a better military leader or would lead France to a failure. British and Prussian forces had taken down the French Army and after coming home for failure to France Napoleon was again forced into exile. His exile was on St. Helena but he would not return from this exile.