Napoleon Timeline

  • Italian Campaign 💚

    Italian Campaign 💚
    Napoleons successes in the Italian campaign would fuel his ever increasing prominence in the French government. Beating Austria out of Italy, the campaign was a French victory.
  • Egyptian Campaign ♥️

    Egyptian Campaign ♥️
    Was a French effort, headed by Napoleon with the goal of protecting trade from the Ottoman territories of Syria and Egypt. After early victories, Napoleon was plagued by revolts, as well as resistance from British and Ottoman forces. Ended 1801.
  • French Consulate ♥️

    French Consulate ♥️
    Napoleon spearheaded what was essentially a military dictatorship. He took power in a coup after achieving military control. He let many remnants of the Directory remain, although they had comparably little power.
  • Banque de France 💚

    Banque de France 💚
    Napoleon created it to recover from the economic collapse during the revolutionary period. Gave bankers power over French finance. This centralized finance in France.
  • Concordat of 1801 💚

    Concordat of 1801 💚
    An agreement between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII meant to repair French relations with the Catholic Church. The agreement did not restore church lands, but clergy returned from exile.
  • Consul for Life 💛

    Consul for Life 💛
    Napoleon declares himself “First Consul for Life” and wrote a constitution insuring his son’s leadership. This move starts Caesar down the path of recreating aristocracy in France. While a firm victory for Napoleon, his increase in control and warring hurt the French people.
  • Napoleonic Code 💛

    Napoleonic Code 💛
    The Napoleonic Code is French civil code created during the French Consulate. It still exists today although heavily amended. It was originally used to increase censorship, enforce taxation, and force conscription.
  • Napoleon Declares Himself Emperor 💛

    Napoleon Declares Himself Emperor 💛
    Napoleon takes the crown from Pope Pius VII and places it on his head as a coronation. He is declared Emperor of France. This was understood to be political move to symbolize the separation of France from other European powers. Although a power move, the dictatorship in France is a regression from the gains made in democracy during the Revolution.
  • Battle of Trafalgar ♥️

    Battle of Trafalgar ♥️
    A naval battle between the British Royal Navy and French and naval Spanish forces. Occurred during the Third Coalition. British victory due to a masterful flank by Horatio Nelson. This was a disastrous loss for France, as they lost 22 out of 33 ships, while the British lost none.
  • Dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire 💚

    Dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire 💚
    After military defeat and succession of multiple states, the Holy Roman Empire was effectively destroyed. The Holy Roman Emperor, Francis II, abdicated his title and released officials from their oaths.
  • Continental System ♥️

    Continental System ♥️
    It was an embargo against British trade which was somewhat effective at hurting the British economy. It didn’t come without drawbacks, as the French economy was also strained without British goods. Other European nations were also affected, hurting their relationships with France. In an effort to maintain the continental system and stop smuggling to Britain, Napoleon spread his armies thin. Ended on April 11th, 1814.
  • Resistance in Spain ♥️

    Resistance in Spain ♥️
    In 1808 France occupied Spain in order to fight Portugal. On top of this, the Spanish king was deposed and replaced by Napoleon’s brother. This ignited the Spanish resistance of French influence in Spain.
  • Invasion of Russia ♥️

    Invasion of Russia ♥️
    In an effort to enforce the Continenta blockade against Britain, France invades Russia. The campaign proves to be extremely difficult and ends in a French defeat.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig ♥️

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig ♥️
    The sixth coalition defeats the Napoleon at Leipzig. The Confederation of the Rhine is dissolved by the coalition. This worsens Napoleon’s situation.
  • Hundred Days ♥️

    Hundred Days ♥️
    The period of time between Napoleon’s return from exile, to King Louis XVIII’s reinstatement. This is also known as the War of the Seventh Coalition, where Napoleon was finally defeated. Ended July 8th, 1815.
  • Waterloo ♥️

    Waterloo ♥️
    The seventh coalition defeats Napoleon at Waterloo. Outnumbered almost 2-1, Napoleon’s flanks were destroyed, and army routed.
  • Abdication 💚

    Abdication 💚
    While returning to Paris from his defeat at Waterloo, the two chambers created a provisional government and told Napoleon to abdicate. After leaving Paris, Napoleon’s son was deposed by the provisional government.