Napoleon Timeline

  • Coup De'état

    The government was overthrown and Napoleon became dictator.
  • Concordat

    The pope and Napoleon came to an agreement and signed the concordat, establishing a new relationship between the state and the church.
  • Napoleonic code

    Napoleon set a new civil code for France.
  • Napoleon crowned as emperor

    Napoleon became emperor of France.
  • Loss of American Territories

    The territories in america were gradually taken over again. (had to guess on the date, couldn't find it)
  • Conquering of Europe

    Gradually, more parts of Europe were conquered. (Once again, I had to guess the date.)
  • Continental system

    A blockade was set up to prevent Britain and France from trading.
  • Invasion of Russia

    France invaded Russia, and a war started.
  • The Hundred Days

    A period of 100 days that Napoleon spent in paris before the battle.
  • Waterloo

    Napoleon was finally defeated in battle against Belgium.