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Napoleon timeline

  • Coup D’état

    Coup D’état
    this was what started napoleon's reign and ended the revolution
  • Concordat

    it was an agreement with the pope that helped keep everyone happy
  • Concordat

    it was an agreement with the pope that made the roman catholics happy
  • Loss of American Territories

    Loss of American Territories
    napoleon sold the land of louisiana to the us due to the fact that it was useless to him and he could make lots of money from it thanks to the united states
  • Loss of American Territories

    Loss of American Territories
    this was the Louisiana Purchase and it gave Napoleon lots of money
  • Conquering of Europe

    Conquering of Europe
    napoleon lead his massive army and started conquering most of europe
  • Conquering of Europe

    Conquering of Europe
    this is when napoleon started conquering europe and taking land for the french
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    this was a set of laws that napoleon made that are still used today and where very influential throughout europe
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    it was a code of laws and it was very influential around europe and the middle east
  • Napoleon crowned as Emperor

    Napoleon crowned as Emperor
    he was made emperor and instead of letting the pope put the crown on his head he put it on himself
  • Napoleon crowned as Emperor

    Napoleon crowned as Emperor
    napoleon crowned himself instead of letting the pope do it to show that if he wanted something he would get it himself
  • Continental System

    Continental System
    a blockade not letting the british get any goods
  • Continental System

    Continental System
    this was a blockade to stop goods from being transported to britain
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    napoleon went into russia expecting a quick victory but had to retreat when they had on food or winter clothing
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    this was a failed invasion due to the fact he did not think it would last tell winter he did not bring winter clothing nor enough food
  • Waterloo

    it was the napoleon's final loss which led to him being exiled