Napoleon timeline

  • Louis XVI's death

    Louis XVI's death
    Louis XVI was the king of France and Navarre from 1774 until 1791. He was executed during the French revolution.
  • Reign of terror begins

    On September 5th, 1793, the reign of terror began. The reign of terror was a period of violence that occured after the french revolution. death tolls ranged from tens to thousands because people were executed by guillotine
  • Reign of terror ends

  • Napoleon becomes emporer of france

    Napoleon becomes emporer of france
    Napoleon made himself emporer of France
  • Napoleonic code

    The napoleonic code was drafted on march 21st, 1804. it was the civil codes of france which forbade priveledges based on birth, allowed freedom of religion and specified that government jobs should go to the most qualified
  • start of the Peninsular war

    Napoleon movied french troops spain to invade portugal. The french invaded portugal in 1807
  • Battle of leipzig

    fought by the coalition armies of Russia, Austria, and sweden against the french army of Napoleon. Napoleons army contained polish, italian, and german troops. This became the lagest battle in Europe prior to WW1
  • Peninsular war ends

  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    objective was to provide a long term peace for Europe by settling issued from the French revolutionary wars and Napoleonic wars
  • hundred days

    period of time when Napoleon came back from exile and took over france again. The british defeated the french
  • Exile to Elba

    Exile to Elba
    Napoleon escaped from his exile to elba and returned home to restore his military legacy
  • Battle of waterloo

    The French army under command of Napoleon was defeated by the armies of the seventh coalition