Napoleon Timeline

  • Egyptian Campaign (Red)

    Egyptian Campaign (Red)
    It was an invasion to Ottoman territories, Egypt and Syria. Its goal was to proclaim French trade interests and to establish a scientific enterprise in the region. It was a military failure for France.
  • Consulate (Yellow)

    Consulate (Yellow)
    Consulate of France was established by the coup of 18 Brumaire. It was the most powerful government in the France until the Napoleonic Empire.
  • Banque de France (Green)

    Banque de France (Green)
    It was established by Napoleon Bonaparte to support the economy of France. There was a big recession in France economy. Napoleon wanted to support the economical recovery against this recession.
  • Italian Campaign (Green)

    Italian Campaign (Green)
    Italian campaign was an invasion which started on April 20 1792. France won the war. It caused disorder in Papal states.
  • Concordat of 1801 (Yellow)

    Concordat of 1801 (Yellow)
    It was a treatment between revolutionaries and Catholic Church during French Revolution. Its goal was to create a national reconciliation.
  • Consul for Life (Yellow)

    Consul for Life (Yellow)
    Napoleon proclaimed himself as the First Consul for Life. With this proclamation, he took big steps to create a new regime.
  • Napoleonic Code (Yellow)

    Napoleonic Code (Yellow)
    Established equality of citizens before the law, religious toleration and merit-based advancement.
    Undid some reforms of the Revolution especially for women.
  • Declared Self Emperor (Green)

    Declared Self Emperor (Green)
    Napoleon Bonaparte declared himself as the Emperor of France. By doing this, he showed his position and hereditary rule in France. After that, he conquered the some parts of Europe and he shared these parts of Europe among his relatives.
  • Battle of Trafalgar (Red)

    Battle of Trafalgar (Red)
    It was a battle which is a failure for Napoleon. Britain defeated the French fleet which is made out of 19 battle ships in five hours. 1500 British troops were killed. No British ships were destroyed. This battle ensured that Napoleon would have never invade Britain.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire (Green)

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire (Green)
    Holy Roman Empire was abolished by France and Napoleon.
  • Invasion of Russia (Red)

    Invasion of Russia (Red)
    France invaded Russia on June 24 1812. As the result of invasion, Napoleon's 500,000 men army was defeated by losing more than 300,000 troops. Russia lost more than 200,000 men but Russia defeated France. This defeat led to the fall of Napoleon.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig (Red)

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig (Red)
    Battle of Leipzig started on October 16 1813. It lasted for three days. It was a war between France with Napoleon and The Coalition armies of Austria, Prussia, Russia and Sweden. Napoleon's Grand Armée was certainly defeated. This defeat swept the France from the lands of German and Poland.
  • Resistance in Spain (Red)

    Resistance in Spain (Red)
    Napoleon assigned his brother to Spain to rule it but Spaniards rejected the French rule in 1807. Then Spaniards started a war, a revolutionary war, against French. Napoleon underestimated the Spaniards but Spaniards defeated French army with the powerful allies of Spain. The allies were Britain, Portugal.
  • Continental System (Green)

    Continental System (Green)
    Continental System was started by Berlin decrees of 21 November 1806. Its goal was to cancel all trade with Britain. This system isolated Britain from Europe.
  • Abdication (Red)

    Abdication (Red)
    Napoleon Bonaparte abdicated from throne and with the treatment of Fontainebleau, he exiled to Elba which is on the Mediterranean.
  • Waterloo (Red)

    Waterloo (Red)
    It was a battle between French army commanded by Napoleon and Seventh Coalition's two army. Napoleon's army lost the battle.
  • Hundred Days (Green)

    Hundred Days (Green)
    It is the time period between March 20 1815 and July 8 1815. It is also known as Seventh Coalition War. This time period includes the return of Napoleon from exile on Elba and the second restoration of Louis XVIII. This Hundred Days also set the stage for the defeat of Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo and for the exile of Napoleon to the Saint Helena where he died.