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Napoleon Timeline

  • The Italian campaign 🟢

    The Italian campaign 🟢
    Napoleon showed his military prowess by defeating a large Austrian army and their Allies. He then captured a bunch of northern Italy for France.
  • The Egyptian campaign 🔴

    The Egyptian campaign 🔴
    In an attempt to ruin British trade with India, napoleon led an expedition to Egypt. It was a disaster, but he managed to cover up his losses and defeats and returned to france. His army returned later and was much smaller than it was.
  • Napoleon declares himself consulate 🟢

    Napoleon declares himself consulate 🟢
    Napoleon overthrew the directory and set up the consulate; a three man governing board. He then named himself first consul. In 1802 he named himself sole consul for life.
  • Banque de France 🟡

    Banque de France 🟡
    Napoleon created “banque de France” or the bank of france to help with the recession during that period of time. Although it increased trust in Frances financial situation, it did not finance them.
  • Concordat of 1801 🔴

    Concordat of 1801 🔴
    It was an agreement between Napoleon and the pope. It reestablished the Catholic Church in French society. Napoleon was allowed to name some church members. This reform ultimately failed.
  • Napoleon becomes sole consul 🟢

    Napoleon becomes sole consul 🟢
    In 1802, Napoleon named himself sole consul instead of the consulate governing.
  • Napoleonic Code 🟢

    Napoleonic Code 🟢
    It was a new code of laws that showed many of the enlightenments main ideas. This included equality in the eyes of the law, religious freedom, and getting rid of feudalism. Streamlined the government.
  • Napoleon declares himself emperor 🟢

    Napoleon declares himself emperor 🟢
    Napoleon amassed enough influence and power to claim the title of emperor for himself. As the pope was crowning him, he took the crown and put it on his head to show that he was the emperor and he didn’t owe his power to anyone. Even after he became emperor he still held a plebiscite.
  • Battle of Trafalgar 🔴

    Battle of Trafalgar 🔴
    Naval battle in which the British navy defeated the French navy and proved that their navy was incredibly strong.
  • Napoleon abolishes the Holy Roman Empire 🟢

    Napoleon abolishes the Holy Roman Empire 🟢
    While napoleon was building a massive French empire, he annexed much of Europe and abolished the Holy Roman Empire. He then created the federation of the rhine; made of 38 members. The HRE could not effectively control the land.
  • The Continental system 🟡

    The Continental system 🟡
    After napoleon was unable to invade Britain, he made agreements and closed European ports to British trade. He wanted to isolate britain. Britain blockaded French and allied ports. This eventually led to the war of 1812 between Britain and U.S.
  • Resistance in Spain 🔴

    Resistance in Spain 🔴
    Napoleon made reforms to try to destroy the Catholic Church of Spain. Many rebels stayed loyal to france and the church, and fough against the French troops occupying Spain. The Spanish used Guerilla warfare against the French army, which occupied troops when napoleon needed them. This made Austria bold in their attacks.
  • Invasion of Russia 🔴

    Invasion of Russia 🔴
    Napoleon had 600,000 troops and 50,000 horses when he invaded Russia in 1812. (Grand Army) Russian troops knew they couldn’t defeat france, so they retreated and destroyed supplies to starve out the French forces. The French reached Moscow, but eventually had to turn back due to lack of supplies. Only 20,000 soldiers survived the trip back due to starvation, attacks, and the cold.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig
    Battle where France and its satellite states battled against the forces of Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sweden. Napoleon and his forces were defeated and driven back.
  • Napoleon abdicates the throne 🟡

    Napoleon abdicates the throne 🟡
    Napoleon abdicated the throne in 1814 after it had been shown he could not win every battle and have ultimate power. He was then exiled to Elba island. Louis XIV was restored to power. This was a brief abdication; he then returned and took power back.
  • Hundred Days 🔴

    Hundred Days 🔴
    This was the time period between the end of Napoleons first exile, and when king Louis XIV was returned to power for the second time. Actually 110 days long. Ended in the battle of Waterloo after many nations pledged to remove him from power.
  • Battle of Waterloo 🔴

    Battle of Waterloo 🔴
    This was Napoleon’s final battle. The French army was destroyed by the British and Prussian army led by the duke of Wellington and general Blücher. After this battle napoleon was sent to his final exile on St. Helena.