Napoleon Timeline

By Veiga
  • Italian Campaign (Green)

    Italian Campaign (Green)
    In this Campaign Napoleon fought against the Austrians. His many victories allowed him to conquer most of northern Italy for France. This was was a success for France. They gained more the territory from the Campaign.
  • Egyptian Campaign (Red)

    Egyptian Campaign (Red)
    The Egyptian Campaign was an attempt to disrupt trade between Britain and India. This failed and Napoleon fled back to France leaving his army. He hid the failure by lying and saying he won the conflict. This was a failure for France since Napoleon was not able to weaken Britain.
  • Consulate (Green)

    Consulate (Green)
    After Napoleon returned from his campaign in Egypt with France believing it was a success, he would abolish the weakened Directory. In 1799 Napoleon participated in the Coup of 18–19 Brumaire, overthrowing the French government. He made himself First Consul as a result and would later become the sole ruler of France. This was a success for France. The Directory was falling apart, they needed a new government.
  • Banque de France (Green)

    Banque de France (Green)
    Napoleon made the bank to help the economic problems France was facing. This was a success, the bank would help with France’s economic crisis.
  • Concordat of 1801 (Yellow)

    Concordat of 1801 (Yellow)
    Napoleon and Pope Pius VII signed the Concordat of 1801, the document established the Catholic Church as the religion of most French citizens. It allowed the government to nominate bishops and archbishops but the Pope could bestow the titles whoever he wanted. This gave stopped the struggle between the Church and the government, but it gave the government too much power.
  • Consul for life (Red)

    Consul for life (Red)
    Napoleon declared himself Consul for life. This is only two years before making himself emperor. This is the start of Napoleon’s take over of France. This was a failure for France, the French Revolution was supposed to give the people a better government. They failed to create a government where there is a balance of power.
  • Napoleonic Code (Yellow)

    Napoleonic Code (Yellow)
    This code was a series of laws that held many Enlightenment ideas. The equality of men, tolerance of religion and others. The code however did not benefit women, they did not have citizenship. Men regained authority over the family and house. Women could not own property, and could not testify or be involved in court. The code also allowed censorship. The code gave France order but people specifically women are losing their rights.
  • Declared Himself Emperor (Red)

    Declared Himself Emperor (Red)
    On this day Napoleon crowned himself emperor and his wife empress. During the ceremony, instead letting the Pope crown him he takes the crown and puts it on his own head. This act and the entire extravagant coronation was to demonstrate his power. Napoleon officially becomes a dictator, which is not good if the people of France want to have a say in government.
  • Battle of Trafalgar (Red)

    Battle of Trafalgar (Red)
    Napoleon in an attempt to invade England, sent a fleet of ships to try and take control of the English Channel. The British navy led by Admiral Nelson split the French fleet and defeated them. This is a failure for France, they have lost ships and resources with nothing to show for it.
  • Continental System (Red)

    Continental System (Red)
    Napoleon had control throughout western Europe. The part of Europe he had no control over was Great Britain. After the failing to invade, he targeted Britain’s commerce. The Continental System was to stop all trade with Britain but Britain also made a blockade stopping supplies from reaching Europe. Both sides attacked neutral ships, which caused the War of 1812. However the Continental System failed to cripple Britain. Another failure for France, their economy suffered for nothing.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire (Green)

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire (Green)
    Napoleon declared war on the Holy Roman Empire, the conflict ended with the Holy Roman Emperor Francis II of Habsburg giving up his crown. The Empire’s territory was turned into the Confederation of the Rhine. France gains more territory and resources, this is a success for the country.
  • Resistance in Spain (Red)

    Resistance in Spain (Red)
    The Spanish people became enraged with their new king, Napoleon’s brother Joseph Bonaparte. After attempts to interfere with the Catholic Church, the Spanish began to rebel. When the French brutally suppressed the rebellion, it only caused more outrage. With support from Britain and guerrilla warfare tactics the Spanish pushed France out of Spain. France lost troops and control of Spain.
  • Invasion of Russia (Red)

    Invasion of Russia (Red)
    After Tsar Alexander of Russia stopped supporting Napoleon’s Continental System. Napoleon created the Grand Army, with about 600,000 soldiers. With his army Napoleon invaded Russia. However instead of facing Napoleon’s army the Russians retreated and burned down anything the Grand Army could use to resupply. Napoleon did enter Moscow but he could not feed his army. He was forced to turn back. This is a failure for France, Napoleon came back with only 10,000 soldiers.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig (Red)

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig (Red)
    While France was weakened from the invasion of Russia; Russia, Austria, Prussia and Britain became allies. They defeated Napoleon at Leipzig and forced him to give up his crown. Napoleon went into exile in Elba. Louis XVIII became king in his absence. However his rule did not last long. Napoleon escaped exile and began to building an army. This is a failure for France, the royal family they tried to get rid of is back. They also at the mercy of several other countries.
  • Hundred Days (Yellow)

    Hundred Days (Yellow)
    Napoleon successfully takes back the French throne, with Louis XVIII fleeing. He only regained power for a hundred days before the allies once again built up forces to dethrone Napoleon. Napoleon reclaiming his power is good for him. However France going to have to fight the alliance and they are once again under a dictatorship.
  • Waterloo (Red)

    Waterloo (Red)
    The battle was near Waterloo in Belgium, France against the Britain and Prussian armies. Under the command of the Duke of Wellington and General Blücher, the two armies defeated France. Napoleon fell from power and would never rule France or any country again. France lost and now has to negotiate with the victors. Which does not always end well for the losers of the war.
  • Abdication (Red)

    Abdication (Red)
    Napoleon was exiled for the second time to St. Helena and would never return to France. He would die there in 1821. This is bad for Napoleon, and France is not in the best position either.