Napoleon Timeline

  • Italian Campaign (green)

    Italian Campaign (green)
    Napoleon drove the British out of the French port of Toulon. Napoleon also won several battles against the Austrians, captured most of northern Italy and forced the Hapsburg empire to make peace.
  • Egyptian Campaign (yellow)

    Egyptian Campaign (yellow)
    Napoleon was fueled with success and wanted to disrupt Britain trade with India. So he led an expedition to Egypt which later proved to be a disaster. This didn’t completely destroy Napoleon’s career because he managed to hide this disaster from his admirers in France.
  • Consulate (green)

    Consulate (green)
    After Napoleon was victorious as a general, the success drove his ambition. He went from a general to a political leader and help overthrow the Directory. The new government system turned into a three man governing board known as the Consulate.
  • Banque De France (green)

    Banque De France (green)
    The Banque De France was created in order to help France recover economically after a Revolutionary period.
  • The Concordat of 1801 (green)

    The Concordat of 1801 (green)
    Napoleon made peace with the Catholic Church in the Concordat of 1801. The Concordat put the Church under state control and made religious freedom for Catholics.
  • Consul for Life (green)

    Consul for Life (green)
    After the Consulate was the new government system, Napoleon took the title as First Consul. After some other smart military moves and a new constitution, Napoleon named himself the consul for life.
  • Napoleonic Code (yellow)

    Napoleonic Code (yellow)
    Napoleon’s code had some reforms like equality for all citizens before the law, abolition of feudalism, and religious toleration. Unfortunately reforms for women were undid and they mostly lost all of their newly gained rights.
  • Declared Self Emperor (green)

    Declared Self Emperor (green)
    Napoleon had invited the pope to his coronation, but took the crown from the pope’s hand and placed it on his own head. That means that Napoleon owes the throne to no one but himself. Even after he declared himself emperor and had full power, the French still gave him the popular vote.
  • Battle of Trafalgar (red)

    Battle of Trafalgar (red)
    Fought off the southwest Spanish coast, British Admiral Horatio Nelson decimates the French fleet in battle.
  • Abolishment of Holy Roman Empire (green)

    Abolishment of Holy Roman Empire (green)
    After Francis ll stepped down from power, Napoleon and his army won a battle against the Holy Roman Empire. The Holy Roman Empire pretty much fell after that and Napoleon reorganized it into the Confederation of the Rhine.
  • Continental System (red)

    Continental System (red)
    Napoleon tried to bring Britain into his empire through a war of trades. Napoleon created blockades of ports to stop Britain trade, but in retaliation they did the same. Throughout the struggle of this both Britain and France seized ships that were thought to be trading with the other side. In doing so this sparked a war with America called the War of 1812. In the end Britain never was added to Napoleon’s empire, the system only created a scarcity of goods which made people hate France more.
  • Resistance in Spain (red)

    Resistance in Spain (red)
    Napoleon tried to create reforms that undermined the Spanish Catholic Church and the king, but the Spanish stayed loyal to the Church and king. The Spanish conducted guerilla attacks (hit and runs) to ambush French supply. This kept some French tied down when Napoleon needed them in other places.
  • Invasion of Russia (red)

    Invasion of Russia (red)
    Napoleon invaded Russia because the tsar withdrew his support from the Continental System. Napoleon had 600,000 soldiers and 50,000 horses which was called the Grand Army. Russia avoided the battles by retreating and burning everything as they went. Napoleon eventually entered Moscow in the winter which turned into a 1000 mile retreat. Only 20,000 soldiers remained from the Grand Army after the retreat.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig (red)

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig (red)
    An allied force of the nations: Russia, Britain, Austria, and Prussia defeats Napoleon and his army in the Battle of Nations at Leipzig. The next year Napoleon steps down from power.
  • Abdication (yellow)

    Abdication (yellow)
    After Napoleon loses in the Battle of the Nations at Leipzig, he is abdicated briefly and is exiled to an island in the Mediterranean called Elba. Louis XVlll did not smoothly restore the place of Napoleon so when Napoleon escaped exile he was greeted with a warm welcome back in France.
  • Hundred Days (yellow)

    Hundred Days (yellow)
    Was the time in between where he escaped from exile at Elba and the restoration of Louis XVlll after the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo.
  • Waterloo (red)

    Waterloo (red)
    British forces under Duke of Wellington’s command and the Prussian forces under General Blücher’s command decimated the French. Napoleon captured and forced to abdicate. He was then exiled to an island in the South Atlantic called St. Helena.
  • Abdication (red)

    Abdication (red)
    After the battle of Waterloo, Napoleon had to step down from power (abdicate) and be exiled to the island of St Helena.