Napoleon timeline

By rb25
  • Egyptian campaign ❌

    Egyptian campaign ❌
    Ended in 1801
    Defended French trade, and established scientific enterprise.
  • Italian Campaign✅

    Italian Campaign✅
    Ended 1797 Planned to separate Austrians from Piedmontese, and then fight both and conquer. Ended in victory for the French.
  • Banque de France ✅

    Banque de France ✅
    Restored banking trust and the financial system Ended in success for France
  • Concordat of 1801❌

    Concordat of 1801❌
    Defined the Roman Catholic Church in France This ended in a fail for Napoleon and France.
  • Consul for life ✅

    Consul for life ✅
    The Consul For Life was a step forwards Napoleon creating a new reign for himself. This was a new constitution This event ended in success for Napoleon, however there were a lot of things that were not good for the French, but overall success.
  • Napoleonic Code ✅

    Napoleonic Code ✅
    Systemized the branches of law, and divided civil law into categories of family. The napoleonic code ended in a huge success, and we still see some of the effects today.
  • Consulate ✅

    Consulate ✅
    This created a secret police, put down rebellions in the french provinces, and centralized the government of french provinces.
    This was good for French
  • Declared Self Emperor ✅

    Declared Self Emperor ✅
    Napoleon crowned himself emperor, and this led to his uprising, napoleonic code, new french law system, and much more. This was successful.
  • Battle Of Trafalgar ❌

    Battle Of Trafalgar ❌
    This event established British naval supremacy.
    This was not good for the French and Napoleon.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire ⚠️

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire ⚠️
    This brought down the Holy Roman Empire.
    This event was good and bad. There was good to the Holy Roman Empire, but it was not “holy” as described. There was also extreme poverty.
  • Continental System ❌

    Continental System ❌
    This was supposed to prohibit trade however Napoleon sealed it off from Continental Europe.
    This event was bad, however Napoleon brought it down.
  • Resistance in Spain ❌

    Resistance in Spain ❌
    April 17, 1814
    This was the resistance for Spain. They were weakened by the army, which was led by bad and incompetent leaders. This escalated after Napoleon France invaded Spain.
    This was bad for the French and Napoleon, due to them invading, the weaker they were the better.
  • Invasion of Russia ❌

    Invasion of Russia ❌
    Ended dec 14, 1812
    Napoleon and his army invaded Russia from Poland (present day).
    This ended in a disaster for the French. This also led to the fall of Napoleon.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig ❌

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig ❌
    Forces of Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sweden all fought over Napoleon and the French army.
    This ended in a huge defeat for Napoleon.
  • Hundred Days ⚠️

    Hundred Days ⚠️
    Ended July 8, 1815
    This marks the time period in which Napoleon returned to Paris after being exiles, and the throning and restoration of king Louis xviii.
    This was good for the French, but not Napoleon. For the French, king Louis was a good king who improved the country.
  • Waterloo ❌

    Waterloo ❌
    This concluded a war that had been going for for years and years, and was the most decisive battle of its time. This destroyed Napoleon and ended french attempts to dominate Europe.
    This was bad for the French.
  • Abdication ⚠️

    Abdication ⚠️
    This abdictated Napoleon in favor of his son. (Napolean renouncing the throne)
    This was good and bad for the French, and bad for Napolean