Napoleon Timeline

  • Napoleon is Born

    Napoleon Bonaparte is born in Corsica, an island in the Mediterranean which is of French rule.
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    Win in the Port of Toulon

    Napoleon receives fame after defeating Royalist forces supported by the British navy in the port of Toulon.
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    Napoleon's Win Over Austria

    Napoleon defeats Austrian forces, and France acquires significant new territory. He then leads the campaign to conquer Egypt, eventually abandoning his army after a series of losses.
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    Napoleon Appointed Commander in Chief of French Army and Gets Married

    After being thought of as a hero for defending the Directory, young general Bonaparte is appointed commander in chief of the French army. Seven days later, he marries Josephine de Beauharnais.
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    Overthrow of the Coup D'Etat

    Napoleon orchestrates an overthrow of the Directory in the coup d’état of 18 Brumaire. A new government called the Consulate is proposed.
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    Napoleon Declared Emperor of the French

    The Consulate is transformed into the Empire and Napoleon is declared Emperor of the French. In December, the Coronation of Napoleon and Josephine takes place at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. The Imperial Household is officially established.
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    Napoleon Crowned King of Italy

    After Napoleon is crowned King of Italy, Austria and Russia join Britain in a new anti-French alliance. Napoleon makes plans to invade England.
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    Treaty of Tilsit Signed

    Napoleon and Tsar Alexander I sign the Treaties of Tilsit, giving Napoleon control of an empire that encompasses most of Europe.
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    Napoleon Steps Down From Throne

    Napoleon's forces are defeated at the Battle of Leipzig by the combined forces of Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sweden. Napoleon abdicates the throne on April 11, 1814 and is banished to the Mediterranean island of Elba.
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    Hundred Days

    Napoleon escapes from Elba and takes back the French throne. The period is known as the “Hundred Days.”
  • Battle of Waterloo

    At the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon’s final army is decisively defeated. Four days later, he abdicates for the second time.
  • Napoleon's Exile

    Napoleon begins his exile on Saint Helena, a remote volcanic island in the south Atlantic.
  • Napoleon's Death

    Napoleon dies at the age of 51 most likely from stomach cancer.