Napoleon Timeline

  • Italian Campaign 🟒

    Italian Campaign 🟒
    An attack from Napoleon on Northern France against Piedmonts army, in which they surrendered and were forced out of Italy.
  • The Egyptian Campaign πŸ”΄

    The Egyptian Campaign πŸ”΄
    An expedition to Egypt looking to end British trade with India, in which ends up being a failure. Napoleon abandons his troops in Egypt and returns to Francs claiming victory.
  • The Consulate 🟒

    The Consulate 🟒
    Napoleon's governing system which overthrew the Directory. Consisted of 3 men in which Napoleon was First Consul and named himself consul for life. This system did not have any inherent problems.
  • Banque de France 🟑

    Banque de France 🟑
    The bank Napoleon formed to help in recovering the economy and gaining more support for the French banking system. While successful at first but was later shut down.
  • Consul for Life 🟒

    Consul for Life 🟒
    Napoleon names himself the lasting leader of the Consulate.
  • Concordat of 1801 🟒

    Concordat of 1801 🟒
    An agreement made between Napoleon and the clergy and it settled the fight with church reforms. This added to Napoleon's overwhelming power and granted him the power to nominate bishop's.
  • Napoleonic Code 🟒

    Napoleonic Code 🟒
    Napoleon's set of rules and laws that he reformed, which embodied Enlightenment ideas while also removing French Revolution reforms like removing the rights of women. These reforms were approved mostly by males primarily, which gained them more authority over their wives and children.
  • Napoleon Declares Himself as Emperor 🟒

    Napoleon Declares Himself as Emperor 🟒
    Napoleon declares himself as emperor of France, not king. He assumes this title instead of king as he believed kings and queens come and went without leaving a lasting impression. The pope coronated Napoleon, although famously Napoleon takes the crown from him and crowns himself. Napoleon's new title of emperor was strongly supported by France.
  • The Continental System πŸ”΄

    The Continental System πŸ”΄
    With Britain relying on its sea powers to stop an invasion of France, Napoleon struck at stopping Britain's commerce with economic warfare. Britain retaliated with its own blockade of ports, and in the end this plateaued the French.
  • Battle of Trafalgar πŸ”΄

    Battle of Trafalgar πŸ”΄
    An attempt of invading England from Napoleon. This battle occurred in the southwest coast of Spain, and ended with the defeat of Napoleon and France by the hands of British Admiral Horatio Nelson.
  • Abolishment of the Holy Roman Empire 🟒

    Abolishment of the Holy Roman Empire 🟒
    Francis II's abdication caused the Holy Roman Empire to be abolished which was caused by his defeat from the French army.
  • Resistance in Spain 🟑

    Resistance in Spain 🟑
    A resistance attempt from Spain to deny French invaders and nationalism. The Spanish used guerrilla warfare tactics for supply raids or troop ambushes. This was sort of successful for Spain because it caused the interference of Austria and Russia, but it wasn't very useful for Spain during the time period of resistance.
  • Invasion of Russia 🟒

    Invasion of Russia 🟒
    After Tsar Alexander of Russia withdrawals his support of the Continental System, Napoleon invades Russia with his Grand Army. Russia retreats to avoid battle.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig πŸ”΄

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig πŸ”΄
    Napoleon is defeated by the armies of Russia, Britain, Austria, and Prussia who had formed an alliance to fight against the French Army. Napoleon is defeated.
  • Napoleon’s Abdication πŸ›‘

    Napoleon’s Abdication πŸ›‘
    Napoleon is stripped of his power and is exiled to Elba. Louis XVIII is made king.
  • The Hundred Days πŸ”΄

    The Hundred Days πŸ”΄
    This event marked the time in which Napoleon returned to Paris after he was exiled to Elba. After his return, Louis XVIII was restored to the throne, and the events of the Battle of Waterloo started. This ultimately the beginning of the domino effect that ended Napoleon's reign.
  • The Defeat at Waterloo πŸ”΄

    The Defeat at Waterloo πŸ”΄
    Napoleon is finally defeated in Waterloo, Belgium by the hands of the British army in a day long battle. This causes Napoleon to be exiled to St Helena, to where he never returned from.