Napoleon Timeline

By cchen25
  • Italian Campaign🟢

    Italian Campaign🟢
    Against the Austrians, we won multiple battles. As he won more and more battles it lead to capturing most of northern Italy, forcing the Hapsburg emperor to make peace.
  • Egyptian Campaign🔴

    Egyptian Campaign🔴
    Because France was still at war with Britain, Napoleon wanted to take control of sea routes so that he could break up routes to India as well as give France the potential to expand into the Mediterranean. The campaign in Egypt ended as a failure for France, ending on September 2nd 1801.
  • Consulate🟢

    The French Consulate was a three-man governing board. It gave them the power to draft new laws. it was then abolished when Napoleon named himself emperor in 1804
  • Banque de France 🟢

    Banque de France 🟢
    In response to the recession, Napoleon wanted to restore the economy to what it was before the recession, so he created the Banque de France.
  • Concordat of 1801🟡

    Concordat of 1801🟡
    To regulate relations between Napoleon's France and the Catholic Church, the Concordat of 1801 agreement solidified the Roman Catholic Church as the majority church of France.
  • Consul for Life🟢

    Consul for Life🟢
    Because of is success as First Consul, he declared himself as "First Consul for life."
  • Napoleonic Code🟡

    Napoleonic Code🟡
    Because Napoleon wanted to modernize France's laws, he created the Napoleonic Code. The Napoleonic Code was made to modernize France, by giving men even authority over women, depriving women of their rights.
  • Declared Self-Emperor🟢

    Declared Self-Emperor🟢
    Because the French supported Napoleon, Napoleon crowned himself when he invited the pope to his coronation in Paris.
  • Battle of Trafalgar🔴

    Battle of Trafalgar🔴
    The British wanted to attack the French and Spanish navies so the British assembled an attack, The Battle of Trafalgar was a British attack that resulted in victory for the British and led the British navy to be in supremacy. It also caused problems so that Napoleon couldn't evade Britain.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire🟢

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire🟢
    Because Napoleon wanted to gain more control over German states and destroy the Holy Roman Empire, he created the Confederation of the Rhine. The Confederation of the Rhine grouped up a large number of formerly independent states and forced Francis II to abdicate his spot as emperor.
  • Continental System🔴

    Continental System🔴
    Because Napoleon couldn't get to Britain and win it over, Napoleon waged war through the Continental System. it was war through economics, he closed off the rest of the European ports to Britain. The Continental System caused Britain to create a blockade, and both sides would seize ships that were suspected of trading with either sides. But ultimately, the Continental System failed because it didn't bring Britain down so that Napoleon could take over. it ended in April 11, 1814.
  • Resistance in Spain🔴

    Resistance in Spain🔴
    Because Napoleon introduced reforms that sought to undermine the Spanish Catholic Church, the Spanish, who are loyal to the king, revolted against the French. The Spanish conducted guerilla warfare against the French, resulting in Napoleon deploying soldiers when the soldiers are needed somewhere else. And later the soldiers are pushed out of Spain.
  • Invasion of Russia🔴

    Invasion of Russia🔴
    During his invasion of Russia, he lost over 200,000 soldiers. After spending all his resources and losing all his soldiers, the invasion of Russia resulted in his first exile.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig🔴

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig🔴
    At the Battle of Nations, the combined army's of Russia, Prussia, Austria, an Sweden fought together against Napoleons forces. the prevail by the combined forces resulted in victory over Napoleon.
  • Hundred Days🟡

    Hundred Days🟡
    After Napoleon escaped from his island exile, his triumph only lasted hundred days. During the Hundred Days, the opposing armies met together, and later Napoleon and the opposing armies went head to head in the Battle of Waterloo where Napoleon lost his final battle. The Hundred Days ended on July 8th, 1815.
  • Waterloo🔴

    After Napoleon escaped his island where he was exiled to, he went back to France and took charge one again. His victory in France only lasted about 100 days. Opposing armies, under the Duke of Wellington and General Blücher, met together in Waterloo. After an agonizing day of battle the opposing armies crushed the French army.
  • Abdication of Napoleon🔴

    Abdication of Napoleon🔴
    After his lost at the Battle of Waterloo, he was forced again to abdicate and exiled to the island of St. Helena, were he stayed for the rest of his life. he die on May 5th, 1821.