
Napoleon Timeline

  • Napoleon is Born

    Napoleon is Born
  • Napoleon Becomes Capitan of the Military

    Napoleon Becomes Capitan of the Military
  • Napoleon is Made Into a Brigadier General by the Commitee of Public Safety

    Napoleon is Made Into a Brigadier General by the Commitee of Public Safety
  • Napoleon Becomes Commander of the French Armies

    Napoleon Becomes Commander of the French Armies
  • Napoleon Returns to France as a Hero

    Napoleon Returns to France as a Hero
  • Napoleon takes part in the coup d'etat that overthows the Directory and sets up a new kind of government.

    Napoleon takes part in the coup d'etat that overthows the Directory and sets up a new kind of government.
  • Napoleon talked with the Pope

    Napoleon talked with the Pope
    Napoleon came to an agreement with the Pope which recognized Catholicism as the religion of the majority of the French population and in return the pope would not ask for the return of the Chruch's land.
  • Napoleon is made consul for life.

    Napoleon is made consul for life.
  • Period: to

    Napoleon is Emperor

  • Napoleon is crowned Emperor Napoleon I

    Napoleon is crowned Emperor Napoleon I
  • Napoleon creates the Civil Code

    Napoleon creates the Civil Code
  • Paris is captured and Napoleon is sent to exile

    Paris is captured and Napoleon is sent to exile
  • Napoleon enters Paris

    Napoleon enters Paris
  • Period: to

    Napoleon is taken to exile

  • Napoleon meets with the British and Prussian army and is defeated

    Napoleon meets with the British and Prussian army and is defeated
  • Napoleon's death

    Napoleon's death
  • Did Napoleon preserve the goals/gains of the Revolution? or did he destroy them?

    I think that he managed to preserve some of the goals and gains of the revolution, but he could not preserve all of them. I think that he did as much as he could but it was impossible to continue using all of the ideas. The times had changed since the revolution and people were not interested in the same things. If they had wanted to save the exact goals and gains, they could have, but I don't think that the people wanted everything to be exactly the same. Napoleon accomplished many great things