
Napoleon Rise and Fall

  • Coup D'etat

    Coup D'etat
    In 1799, the Directory lost all power of France and Napoleon came to power. France was still at war with Austria, Russia and Britain, but within a couple of years, he formed peace treaty with all of them.
  • Concordat

    In 1801, in an effort to restore France to its former glory, Napoleon signed a concordat with the Pope, which created a new relationship with the state and the church. Now, the church couldn't control national affairs, but Napoleon still recognized the power of the church, which pleased most people.
  • Loss of American Territories

    Loss of American Territories
    In 1801, Napoleon tried to take back his colonies in the Americas from the Africans that started a civil war. He was successful, but he lost a lot of soldiers and resources. To gain back the money he lost, he sold the territory to Thomas Jefferson and the United Sates in 1803.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    The Napoleonic Code was a set of laws and rules and got rid of a lot of the countries injustices, even though it limited liberty and promoted order and authority over individual rights. It also restored slavery in the French colonies.
  • Napoleon Crowned as Emperor

    Napoleon Crowned as Emperor
    In 1804, Napoleon thought that it was time for him to become the Emperor of France. He was crowned emperor in the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris when he put the crown on his head to become the most powerful person in France.
  • Conquering of Europe

    Conquering of Europe
    Fearing Napoleon and France, Russia, and Austria teamed up with Britain to stop him and France. Napoleon destroyed his opponents by being smart and unpredictable, and in the end, Russia, Austria, and Sweden all signed peace treaties.
  • Continental System

    Continental System
    In November of 1806,Napoleon created a blockade to block all trade to and from Great Britain. He tried to make Europe more self-sufficient, however, nobody really listened to him and his blockade, as in people still imported and exported goods, including his allies. Even Britain built a blockade with their stronger navy. American ships were also blocked by the British blockade, so Amerca waged war on Britain in 1812, the war lasting a total of two years.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    In 1812, after the collapse of the alliance with Russia, Napoleon decided to take 420,000 soldiers and invade Russia. The Russian soldiers retreated and they put in to place a scorched earth policy, which meant they burned the grains and livestock so that the French soldiers wouldn't have anything to eat. On September 7, the two armies met and battled. Eventually,theRussiansretreated,andtheFrenchmovedon.TheywaitedinMoscowforalittlebit,andonthewaybacktoFrance,manypeopledied.Only10,000madeithome.
  • Waterloo

    After Napoleon temporarily lost all power of France, he regained it and planned an attack against Belgium. Prussian and British forces held the French off, and later they attacked France and chased the French soldiers away.
  • Hundred Days

    Hundred Days
    After his defeat at Waterloo, the British sent him to a remote island where he lived in exile for the rest of his life, which ended up being six years.