
Napoleon Project- Jennifer Hoyos

  • Birth of Napoleon

    Birth of Napoleon
    Carlos Bunoaparte and Letizia Ramolino gave birth to Napoleon Bonaparte on August 15, 1769. On the island of Ajaccio Corisca, France. Napoleon was the fourth child born, and he was the second child to survive.
  • Period: to

    Napoleon's Time of Rule

  • Becomes a general in the French army

    Becomes a general in the French army
    Napoleon won many victories as a young general he was appointed to lead the French army against Austria and the kingdom of Sardina by the Directory.
  • Campaign in Italy (March 2nd, 1796-October 17 1797)

    Campaign in Italy (March 2nd, 1796-October 17 1797)
    When Napoleon had arrived in Italy he noticed that the Italian army was in poor condition both mentally and physically. Napoleon told them he would promise them riches and glory. The army fulfilled his task and Napoleon's promise was fulfilled. In the end Napoleon was able to defeat his enemies.
  • Campaign in Egypt

    Campaign in Egypt
    Napoleon led an expedition to Egypt but it didn't go as smoothly as his victories did in Italy. Napoleon's naval forces was defeated, Napoleon kept his lost out of the newspapers. He was still praised and looked upon as a hero.
  • Concordat

    Napoleon responded to the wishes of the clergy and the peasants of restoring the position of the church in France. Napoleon signed a concordat (a formal agreement between the pope and government) which gained him the support of the church and his people
  • First Consul for Life

    First Consul for Life
    A group of three consuls was established, Napoleon was one of them. Napoleon was quick on taking the title of first consul, and he took upon the powers of a dictator. The people voted for a constitutional leadership (due to its strong leadership) which gave Napoleon power as a first consul.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    Napoleon created a organized set of laws and he got rid of many injustices. It had some positive aspects but it limited liberty, promoted order and authority over individual rights, limited the freedom of speech, and restored slavery (in French Colonies).
  • "Emperor of the French"

    "Emperor of the French"
    Napoleon crowned himself emperor by physically taking the crown out of the hands of the pope, and placing it on top of his head. The French supporters supported Napoleon in his decision of becoming emperor.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    Napoleon lost the battle against the British commander (Horatio Nelson). Nelson: Warfare on land, Napoleon: Warfare at sea. The splitting of the large French fleet led to many of the the French fleets getting captured. This defeat ensured the power the British navy had for the next 100 yrs. Napoleon had to give up his plans on wanting to invade Great Britain.
  • Continental System

    Continental System
    Napoleon prevented all trade and communication between Great Britain and other European countries. Napoleon decided to set up a blockade (a forcible closing of parts). Napoleon called this policy the continental system, it was intended to destroy Britain's commerical and industrial economy. The policy was used to make Europe more of a self sufficient.
  • Campaign in Russia (July 7 1812-December 12, 1812)

    Campaign in Russia (July 7 1812-December 12, 1812)
    In 1812 Napoleon tried and failed in conquering Russia. The Russian burned their livestock, so that the French army wouldn't have any food to eat. In other words they followed the scorched Earth policy. Napoleon ended up having to retreat from his mission on conquering Russia due to the bad winter weather nearing its way. Out of the 400,000 solider that left with Napoleon only 10,000 of his soldiers were able to fight. Many of the soldiers died from hunger, and the cold brutal weather.
  • Elba

    On April 6, 1814 Napoleon surrendered and excepted the terms of giving up his throne. The Victors had given Napoleon a small retirement fund, and Napoleon was exiled to a tiny island off the Italian coast called Elba.
  • Waterloo

    On June 18, 1815 Napoleon attacked the British army as they were preparing to attack Napoleon in Belguim. The Prussian army joined the British army, together they attacked the French army. This defeat was Napoleon's last taste of power.
  • St. Helena (October 15, 1815-May 5, 1821)

    St. Helena (October 15, 1815-May 5, 1821)
    Napoleon was sent to a island in the South Atlantic called St. Helena, the British made sure Napoleon wouldn't escape from exile. He lived on the island for the last six years of his life all by himself,
  • Death of Napoleon

    Death of Napoleon
    Napoleon died on May 5, 1821 on the remote island of St. Helena