Period: to
This is when Napolen was born and died. -
Napoleon Enters military school
He was ent her but later transsfored to a more fashionable collage called College of Brienne. Here Napoleon's small stature earned him the nickname of the "Little Corporal." -
The storming of Bastille
Parisian revolutionaries and mutinous troops storm and dismantle the Bastille. This was a royal fortress that symbolized the tyranny of the Bourbon monarchs. -
Napoleon becomes Brigadier General
He is awarded Brigadier General for his brilliant tactical command. Even though he was just a subordiant officer he got alot of the credit for the victory. -
Napoleon becomes Commander in Chief
General Paul Barras recomends Napoleon to be promoted to Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the Interior. This is when Napoleon become well known, famous and rich. -
Concordat signed
The Concordat of 1801 is an agreement between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII that solidified the Roman cathic church as the mojority chuch of France and gave back most of its civil status. -
Vote for consulship for life
These are documents napoleon wrote about -
lousianna Purchase
Napoleon seels the lousianna purchase to America for $11,250,000 USD. -
Proclaimed Emperor Napoleon I
This is when Napoleon offically takes over France. Now Rome could not control him and he was subservient to no one on earth. -
continental blockade
This blockade designed by Napoleon was used to paralyze Great Britain through the destruction of British commerece. The decrees of Berlin and Milan proclaimed a blockade: neutrals and French allies were not to trade with the British. -
Napoleons son is born
Napoleon will have his first kid. -
Napoleon is exiled to Elba
Napoleons defeat in Leipzig in October 1813 he retreated to paris where he was forced to renounce the throne. The European powers exiled him to the island of Elba in the Mediterranean. -
Napoleon escapes from Elba
He managed to sneak past his gaurds and not get intercepted by the British ships and somehow escape Elba. People and troops instantly began to rally to the returned Emperor. -
Napoleon defeated at Waterloo
On June 18, Napoleon led his 72,000 troops he had left against the Duke of Wellington’s 68,000-man allied army, which had already had taken position 12 miles south of Brussels near the village of Waterloo. -
Napoleon arrives at St. Helena
He would be exiled to St. Helena which would be where he will die in 1821.