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Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Napoleon is Born

    Napoleon is Born
    Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio, Corsica to parents Carlo Maria Buonaparte and Letizia Ramolino. His father, Carlo Buonaparte, went to law school at the University of Pisa and later worked for the courts of Ajaccio. His mother, Letizia Ramolino, lived a simple life and raised her 11 children to be loyal frugal. This event is significant because Napoleon Bonaparte would go on to become a successful fighter and the emperor of France in 1799 (
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    On March 5, 1770, a deadly riot occurred in the streets of Boston, Massachusetts between the American colonists and British soldiers called the Boston Massacre. Five colonists were killed, including Crispus Attucks, who was considered the first casualty of the American Revolution. This event was significant because it energized the colonists to revolt against Britain and is considered to be the start of the American Revolution (
  • Beethoven

    On December 16, 1770, Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany. Beethoven went on to become one of the most influential classical composers of his time. His musical accomplishments continued even after he lost his hearing. Beethoven's work was significant because he did not conform to current standards and was known for giving music "personality" and emotion (
  • U.S. Constitution is signed

    U.S. Constitution is signed
    The Constitution of the United States of America was signed on September 17, 1787 in Philadelphia. The Constitution was a list of laws that defined the rights and freedoms of Americans, created a government of democracy, and set up a system of checks and balances. This event is significant because it put the government in the hands of the people and is still in effect today (
  • Invasion of Italy

    Invasion of Italy
    On May 15, 1800, Napoleon Bonaparte crossed the Alps on an extremely hard mission. He and his men headed towards Italy over the tallest mountains in Europe. When they got to Italy, the battle began with the Austrians attacking the French near Marengo and Napoleon's army seemed to be losing. Sure enough, Napoleon was able to drive out the enemy. This event is significant because it was one of the riskiest invasions ever and Napoleon proved himself as an effective leader of France (Heuston 67-68).
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    Richard Trevithick invented the first high pressure steam engine on December 24, 1801. This industrial invention was important because it led to Trevithick using this high pressure steam engine to power the New Castle, which was the world's first steam locomotive to do actual work. This was an important event in the Industrial Revolution because it made transporting materials faster and more efficient (
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    On May 2, 1803, the treaty was signed for the Louisiana Purchase from Napoleon Bonaparte to the United States. Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory to Thomas Jefferson for $15 million, losing 828,000 mi² of U.S. territory. Even though France lost a big portion of the United States, Napoleon did this for France's benefit. This event was significant because it gave France the money it needed for the current war against Britain and was one of the biggest land deals of all time (
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    On March 21, 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte enacted the Napoleonic Code in France. This was a series of laws for the country that set the basis for the people of France. It emphasized the idea that all men are equal and changed the idea of nobility. The Napoleonic Code, in Bonaparte's eyes, was one of his greatest accomplishments and will live forever. This event was significant because it changed the lifestyle of France, set an example for many countries far beyond France (
  • Crowned Emperor

    Crowned Emperor
    On December 2, 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned the emperor of France at the Cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris. When Pope Pius VII went to place the crown on Napoleon's head, he took the crown and placed it on his own head. By doing this, he showed his people that he was in control and that nobody, even the church, was more powerful than he was. This event was significant because Napoleon wanted to be emperor and his people agreed which showed that they have trust in him (McGuire 62-65).
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    On October 21, 1805, the battle of Trafalgar took place between the French and the Third Coalition. This was a naval battle on Cape Trafalgar where Horatio Nelson trapped the French army and defeated them. Even though he died during the battle he was satisfied that won against Napoleon. This event was significant because it destroyed the hope of conquest by sea, allowing the British to have control over the sea for 100 years, and Napoleon erased the thought of invading England (McGuire 68).
  • The Continental System

    The Continental System
    On November 21, 1806, Napoleon Bonaparte enforced the Continental System, a blockade that surrounded Great Britain, preventing all trade with them. The blockade wasn't perfect and had many flaws. In defense, Britain enforced a better blockade that would later lead to war with American ships. This event was significant because the blockade ended up causing major problems for France, leading to issues with surrounding countries and eventually the destruction of his empire (
  • Slave Trade Abolished

    Slave Trade Abolished
    On March 25, 1807, The Abolition of the Slave Trade Act made slavery illegal in the British colonies. This act made it illegal to transport slaves in British ships. This event is significant because the abolition of the slave trade act set the stage for abolishing slavery itself, although this took twenty more years to complete (
  • The Peninsular War

    The Peninsular War
    On May 2, 1808, the Peninsular War began between the French army and Spain. Portugal was not following the blockade against Great Britain so Napoleon and his men planned to attack them and attack Spain first. The Spanish used guerilla tactics to fight their enemies for five years and Napoleon lost many of his men. This event was significant because Napoleon lost over 300,000 troops, and he created a bad relationship with the Spanish (
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    On June 24, 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia because they were not following the blockade. When they arrived, the Russians had fled and enforced the scorched-earth policy. The Battle of Borodino in Moscow was where Napoleon won against Russia. The winter came upon the French troops and they were attacked and lost many men in battle and to severe weather. This event was significant because Napoleon lost much of his army by not being prepared for the winter (Heuston 81).
  • Jane Austen

    Jane Austen
    On July 18, 1817, author Jane Austen died at age 41 of Addison's Disease in England. Jane Austen is known for authoring 6 novels, including Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility. Jane Austen's contributions to literature are significant because she wrote with a style of Romanticism and imagination that had not been seen in her time (
  • Napoleon Dies

    Napoleon Dies
    On March 5, 1821, Napoleon Bonaparte died at age 51 on the island of St. Helena six years after he was exiled there because of the Battle of Waterloo. He was brought to Longwood House, a mansion on the island, and he ended up dying there. The most reasonable cause of death would be that he died of stomach cancer. This event is significant because the great misery he brought the French empire was abolished and all the bad things he did for his country were restored (