Napoleon bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Napoleon Bonaparte's Birth

    Napoleon Bonaparte's Birth
    Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769. He was from the island of Corsica which was located in the Mediterranean Sea. He was born to parents, Carlo and Letiza Buonaparte. This is important because he would become the first emperor of France.
    ( Staff 1)
  • U.S. Independence

    U.S. Independence
    In 1775, the U.S. war for independence took place. It released the U.S. citizens of the British rule. This is important because it damaged the British Empire dramatically.
    ( Staff 1)
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    The French government was under change and reforming its government. It led to a war with Europe and a small civil war. This is significant because it opened the world to a democratic point of view for a while.
    ( Staff 1)
  • His first Battle

    His first Battle
    On September 8, 1793, Napoleon traveled to Toulon to meet a friend. The City was under siege by the French Republic. The French did not have a good plan so Napoleon demanded to be in charge. He we quickly put in charge and won the battle. This is significant because his superiors realized what talents he had.
    ( Staff 1)
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    On October 21, 1805, Napoleon's navy was destroyed by the Royal Navy. The Admiral of the royal navy, Horatio Nelson, destroyed the French navy but he died in combat. This is significant because now Napoleon can't attack Britain without a navy.
    ( Staff 1)
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    On December 2, 1805, Napoleon Bonaparte attacked the Russian and Austrian Army at the town of Austerlitz. He used cunning tactics to defeat both armies when he was out numbered and out gunned. This is significant because he ended a war with the battle and gained a ally (Russia).
    ( Staff 1)
  • Robert Fulton creates the Steam boat

    Robert Fulton creates the Steam boat
    In 1807, Robert Fulton created the first successful steam boat. This was part of many inventions of the Industrial Revolution. This is important because it changed the world's technology forever.
    ( Staff 1)
  • Period: to

    Invasion of Russia

    From August 16, 1812 to November 29, 1812, Napoleon was fighting to capture the Russian capital of Moscow. He made it to Moscow but he lost so much men. He had to retreat in the end because he lost 400,000 men. This is significant because it was the start of the end of Napoleon.
    (Editors of Britannica 1)
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    Battle of Leipig

    On October 16-19, 1813, Napoleon faced he British, Austrians, Russians, and Swedish in one battle and lost. He was outnumbered and the terrain wasn't working for him. He also didn't have support of his Marshal. This is significant because it destroyed a French army.
  • George Stephenson builds the first practical steamboat

    George Stephenson builds the first practical steamboat
    In 1814, George Stephen builds the first practical steamboat. it was used for all purposes, not just for one purpose like before. This is significant because the practical steamboat helped transport materials and people faster over water.
  • Exiled to St. Helena

    Exiled to St. Helena
    On June, 1814, Napoleon was exiled to St. Helena after the 100 day's campaign. He lost the war and was exiled farther away now so he can't take over France again. This is significant because it ended Napoleons Military and Leadership career.
    ( Staff 1)
  • War of 1812 ends

    War of 1812 ends
    In 1815, the British and U.S. forces stop fighting and come to a white peace. They have fought for 3 years about a lot of problems. One problem was the taking of U.S. sailors to serve in the royal navy. This is significant because the war of 1812 was the first war in which the U.S. declared war against a major country.
  • Battle of Ligny

    Battle of Ligny
    After Napoleon returned to France for his 100 day's campaign, he went to war again with Europe. The first battle he went against was against the Prussians at Ligny in Luxembourg. He won the battle and advanced further in enemy territory. This is significant because it was the first battle of the 100 day's campaign. (June 16, 1815)
    ( Staff 1)
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    On June 18, 1815, Napoleon advanced to the British controlled town of Waterloo. He was defeated there by a combined effort from the British and Prussian Army. This was the last battle Napoleon Fought.
    (Editors of Britannica 1)
  • Simon Bolivar Frees New Granada

    Simon Bolivar Frees New Granada
    In 1819 the famous Latin American freedom fighter, Simon Bolivar frees New Granada from Spanish rule. Simon Bolivar freed a lot of Latin American countries from tyrannical Spanish rule. This is significant because all the Latin American countries were all under Spanish control and the Spanish used the colonies for money and power.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte's Death

    Napoleon Bonaparte's Death
    Napoleon Bonaparte died on May 5, 1821 on the island of St.Helena. Some say that he died of stomach cancer. this is significant because it ended the Age of Napoleon.
    (Editors of Britannica 1)