
Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Napoleon's Birthday

    Napoleon's Birthday
    Napoleon is born in Ajaccio Corsica.
  • Napoleon enters Military School

    Napoleon enters Military School
    In May of 1779 Napoleon was enrolled into the military academy of Brienne-le-Château.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    On the morning of July 14th, many citizens of the Third Estate stormed the Bastille prison in order to make a statement on the royalty currently ruling them.
  • Napoleon Promoted to Brigadier General

    Napoleon Promoted to Brigadier General
    Napoleon was promoted to Brigadier General not long after the successful recapture of Toulon from British and Royalists.
  • Napoleon becomes commander in Chief

    Napoleon becomes commander in Chief
    During the early months of 1796 Napoleon quickly rose in the ranks of the French military and was promoted to commander in chief of the army in Italy.
  • Coup of 18

    Coup of 18
    The coup d’état known as the Coup of 18 Brumaire which overthrew the current French Directory.
  • French Consulate (picture didn't work)

    It was during this time Napoleon proclaimed himself First Consul in the new conservative, authoritarian, and centralized republican government in France, know as the French Consulate.
  • Concordat of 1801

    Concordat of 1801
    This concordat between Napoleon and the Pope agreed that Catholic would become the majority religion in France. This was created to help restore civil balance in France.
  • France sells Lousisiana Territory to U.S

    France sells Lousisiana Territory to U.S
    When Na[oleon's plan to extend the empire to the new territory failed, he attempted to quickly dispose of it by selling it to the United States for the cheap price of 15 million USD.
  • Napoleon Proclaimed Emperor (picture)

    For the first time in a thousand year, France had an emperor once Napoleon claimed himself so.
  • Continental Blockade

    Continental Blockade
    Also called the Continental System. It was a naval blockade put in place by the French in order to make themselves self sufficient, whilst breaking down Britain economy. It however in the end backfired.
  • Napoleon's son born (picture)

    It was on this date Napoleon's son, Napoleon II, was born.
  • Napoleon Exiled

    Napoleon Exiled
    After his defeat at the Battle of Leipzig, as well as a now lack of support from his military groups, was exiled.
  • Napoleon Escapes Exile (picture)

    It was on this date that Napoleon was able to escape the island of Elba that he was exiled to.
  • Napoleon Defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon Defeated at Waterloo
    At this time in Napoleon's rein he was defeated by The Duke of Wellington at Waterloo.
  • Napoleon sent to St.Helena (picture)

    After his escape from Elba, Napoleon was exiled to St.Helena where he lived out the rest of his days.
  • Napoleon's Death

    Napoleon's Death
    Napoleon death was highly debated, but the autopsy claims he died of Stomach Cancer at 51, just like his father. He remains remain in Les Invalides, Paris.