Napoleon Bonaparte 8A camila

  • Born In

    Born In
    Napoleon Bonaparte was born on Agust 15 of 1769 in Ajaccio a city in the italian island Córcega.
  • Entrance into Brienne Military Academy

    Napoleon won a scholarship to study at a military academy in France at Brienne le Chateau near the town of Troyes.
  • Ecole Militaire

    Napoleon gained entrance to the Ecole Militarie in Paris. He was interested in a naval assignment, but he was assigned to the artillery upon graduation.
  • Defend the National Convention

    Bonaparte was given command of the improvised forces defending the Convention in the Tuileries Palace. Using the "whiff of grapeshot" Napoleon was able to drive the mob away from the National Convention.
  • Napoleon Marries Josephine

    Within weeks of driving the royalists from the National Convention with the "whiff of grapeshot", Napoleon was romantically linked to Josphine de Beauharnais, who he married on March 9, 1796.
  • Career Open to Talents

    Career open to talents was a patriotic policy that promoted the revolutionary principles of equality. Under this policy, Napoleon abolished the social congregative class that existed in France prior to 1799.Napoleon opposed injustice of royal blood connection to determine the appointment and promotion to public office.
  • Napoleon Becomes Emperor

    Napoleon Becomes Emperor
    The coronation of Napoleon I as Emperor of France was preceded by a vote on the issue of whether or not Napoleon should be appointed "First Consul for Life", which he won. Napoleon put the crown on his own head at his coronation.
  • The napolionic code

    Napoleon set out to reform the French legal system in accordance with the principles of the French Revolution because the old feudal and royal laws seemed to be confusing and contradictory to the people. Before the Code, France did not have a single set of laws. Napoleon set out to create a set of laws that were easily accessible, easy to understand. The Napoleonic Code forms the basis of many legal systems in Europe today
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    The Battle of Austerlitz brought to an end on Third Coalition against France. It is one of Napoleon's greatest victories.
  • Napoleon ends his marriage with Josephine

    Napoleon divorces his wife, Josephine, because she had not had any children with him.
  • Napoleon marries again

    Napoleon marries 18 year-old Marie-Louise. She is the daughter of the Emperor of Austria, Francis I.
  • Napoleon son

    Napoleon son
    Napoleon II, called The King of Rome by Napoleon, is born, he is also called Franz
  • Napoleon Invades Russia

    Napoleon Invades Russia
    Napoleon's attempted invasion of Russia began on June 15, 1812. Eventually the Russians "scorched earth policy" and the Russian winter took its toll on the Grand Armee. Napoleon left Russia, of the 600,000 troops he had at the beginning of the invasion 500,000 were either killed, captured or deserted along the way.
  • Battle of Borodino

    The Battle of Borodino fought on September 7, 1812, was the largest and bloodiest single-day action of the Napoleonic Wars, involving more than 250,000 troops and resulting in at least 70,000 total casualties.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Napoleon's forces were defeated near the village of Waterloo in Belgium by the British and Prussian forces. It was the first time that Napoleon had met the Duke of Wellington on the field of battle, and Wellington
  • gives up the throne

    After his defeat at Waterloo, Napoleon gives up the throne again. This time, he will be sent away to Saint Helena in the South Atlantic.
  • Death

    Napoleon Bonaparte died on May 5 of 1821,supposedly poisoned with arsenic