Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Corsica, France on August 15, 1769. Napoleon Bonaparte important French military leader who created an empire that stretched across almost all of Europe in the early 1800s. -
Declaration of Independence is approved -
Early life
Napoleon goes to France to study at military school. Where he develops his intellect and skills to become fit for leadership of France. -
American Revolution
American Revolution ends with the signing of the Treaty of Paris -
Napoleon Promotion
Napoleon Bonaparte was promoted to Brigadier-General as recognition for his talents and efforts. As he secured weapons for the Siege of Toulon. -
Josephine becomes Empress
Napoleon was infatuated with Josphine de Beauharnais, who he married on March 9, 1796. First Empress of France, has 2 children. -
Rosetta Stone Discovered
Rosetta Stone Discovered -
Beethoven's Symphony
Beethoven starts and orchestrates his first symphony -
Napoleonic Code
The Napoleonic Code and all the laws enacted since it went into effect in 1804. The code distinguished by its religious tolerance and emancipation of land. -
Battle of Trafalgar
This battle was fought off the western mouth of the Straits of Gibraltar. This great victory brought to a halt Napoleon’s plan to invade Britain. -
Lewis and Clark
Lewis and Clark expedition -
Period: to
Peninsular war
This was took place in Spain when Napoleon tries to advance on Portugal and has to march through Spain. Spain revolts against this and kills many of Napoleon's troops. This ends with Napoleon giving up his plans for invading Portugal. -
Louisiana joins the Union -
Invasion of Russia
In June 1812, Napoleon led his army into Russia. He planned to confront the Russian army in a major battle, Alexander imposed the scorched earth policy. With a particularly harsh winter quickly setting in, Napoleon's indomitable army was crushed and defeated. -
Battle of Waterloo
Battle of Waterloo held in Belgium, Napoleon led his army of some 72,000 troops against the 68,000-man British army, by some estimates, the French suffered more than 33,000 casualties, while British and Prussian casualties numbered more than 22,000. -
Napoleon Death
Napoleon died on the island he was exiled to St. Helena. Napoleon lived a prosperous life with many accomplishments and though he was only 52 when he died he impact will be carried on for generations.