By xmirsl
  • Coup d´etat

    Coup d´etat
    In November 1799, Napoleon carried out the coup d'état of the 18th of Brumaire, seizing power in France and becoming the First Consul of the Consulate.
  • Coronation as emperor

    Coronation as emperor
    In December 1804, Napoleon proclaims himself Emperor of France, taking the name of Napoleon I.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    In October 1805, the Battle of Trafalgar takes place, in which the French navy, led by Napoleon, is defeated by the British navy. This defeat removes France from its attempt to dominate the sea and ensures British naval supremacy.
  • Treaty of Tilsit

    Treaty of Tilsit
    In July 1807, Napoleon signs the Treaty of Tilsit with Russia. This treaty ensures peace and cooperation between the two countries for a time, although relations would later deteriorate.
  • Russia Campaign

    Russia Campaign
    In June 1812, Napoleon decides to invade Russia with his powerful army, in what is known as the Russian Campaign. However, this campaign proves catastrophic for Napoleon and his army due to harsh weather conditions and strong Russian resistance. Eventually, Napoleon is forced to retreat and suffers a crushing defeat.
  • First abdication

    First abdication
    In April 1814, after a series of defeats suffered by the French army, Napoleon abdicates and is exiled to the island of Elba. This exile marks his first abdication and the end of his rule in France.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    In June 1815, Napoleon escapes from his exile on the island of Elba and returns to France, triggering what is known as the "Hundred Days". However, his attempt to regain power fails, and at the Battle of Waterloo he is defeated by the allied forces led by the Duke of Wellington. This defeat marks the definitive end of Napoleon's empire.
  • the death of napoleon

    the death of napoleon
    Napoleon Bonaparte died on May 5, 1821 on the island of Helena, where he had been exiled after losing power. The official cause of his death was stomach cancer. During his imprisonment, his health progressively deteriorated due to illness and cumulative stress. Although some rumors persist about an association with Arsen, there is no conclusive evidence. His legacy as a military man and ruler remains remarkable in history.