Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Period: to

    Italian Campaigne

    Napoleon took over the French “Army of Italy,” drove the Austrians and Sardinians out of Piedmont, defeated the Papal States, and occupied Venice. This was his first major victory.
  • Napoleon coming to power

    Coup d’état that established Napoleon as First Consul of France, part of a triumvirate that included Cambacérès and Lebrun. Although the plan was for the three to have equal power, Napoleon quickly became the most powerful.
  • Emperor

    Napoleon proclaimed himself Emperor.
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Where Napoleon defeated the Third Coalition (actually the first coalition mounted against him, rather than against the Revolutionary troops.) Generally viewed as one of his most brilliant battles, the Battle of Austerlitz was fought in what is now the Czech Republic, with Napoleon trouncing the armies of the Austrian and Russian Empires.
  • Treaty of Tilsit

    After the battle of Friedland, where Napoleon defeated the Russians, Alexander of Russia negotiated this treaty that would bring peace to Russia. In the public part, Russia ceded 50% of Prussian territory to France; in the private part, Alexander agreed that if the British continued the war against France, Russia would join the Continental System of blockades whose goal it was to isolate Britain economically. The result of the treaty was a major realignment of alliances.
  • Russian Campaign

    Napoleon amassed a huge army and marched to Moscow, not recognizing the challenges of supplying a large army such a long way from home. As they retreated from Moscow, they set it on fire. Napoleon had counted on billeting his troops in the city during the long Russian winter, but no shelter was left standing. As a result, the French army suffered terribly from starvation and cold as they made the long trip back towards France.
  • German campaigne

    German Campaign. Napoleon’s army regrouped in German territory, and battled the Coalition successfully in several locations before suffering a decisive defeat in the Battle of the Nations at the hands of Germany’s General Blucher.
  • Thrown taken

    Napoleon abdicated as emperor and was sent into exile on the Mediterranean island of Elba. He was given “sovereignty” over the island and actually had his own navy.
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    Congress of vienna

    The Congress of Vienna was a lengthy conference between ambassadors from the major powers in Europe. Its purpose was to redraw the political map of Europe following the defeat of Napoleon. The Congress continued in spite of Napoleon’s escape from Elba.
  • Escaping

    Napoleon escaped from Elba, landing in southern France and marching towards Paris, gathering an army around him as he went.
  • Reaffirming as emperor

    The Champ-de-Mai parade and ceremony in Paris reaffirmed Napoleon as Emperor and forced everyone to swear allegiance to him and to the Acte Additional. The Acte was a set of small reforms that disappointed his supporters, to whom he had promised a less dictatorial government.
  • Defeated

    Losing support at home, Napoleon turned to the battlefield where he faced the largest Coalition army yet. His forces were defeated, and he escaped to Fontainebleau.
  • Escape to the United States

    Napoleon abdicated a second time, and attempted to escape to the United States. He was captured by the British and eventually transported to the island of St. Helena, where he remained for the rest of his life.
  • Napoleon dies

    Napoleon died on St. Helena