Napoleon invades Italy.
--- Chosen to lead French troops into Italy for battel.
--- French defeated then rulers of Italy at the time which were the Austrians.
--- France aquired Belgium and also many treasures.
--- Treasures were placed in the Louvre. -
--- Napoleon sailed for Egypt.
--- Won a great land victory.
--- British destroyed French fleet.
--- French succeded in establishing influence in Egypt.
--- Discovered the Rosetta Stone. -
The Consulate
--- Napoleon set up a new goverment called The Consulate.
---Napoleon placed himself at the head of te new goverment, and took te title of First Counsil.
--- Napoleon and two members of the Directory plotted plan to take over the goverment. -
--- Napoleon lead French forces to victory over Austria. -
The First Consul
--- Took away peoples right to choose officals.
--- Gave that power to the national goverment
--- Prohibited local goverment fromcollecting taxes
--- Assigned all tax collection to the national goverment.
-- French goverment was able to collect more taxes.
-- French debt was paid.
-- Napoleon used some of the money to set up a system of public education.
--Napoleon appointed a commitie of lawyers and they wrote a new code of law.
--- He also set to work to bring order to French legal goverment. -
Peace Treaty with Great Britain
--- Napoleon arranged a peace treaty with Great Britain. -
British VS France
--- Great Britian threatened France with war.
--- Napoleon defeated Bitian and its alies. -
--- Napoleon wanted more power.
---Wanted to build a Grand Empire that would replace te Holy Roman Empire.
--- He noticed he had a advantage with his solsiers.
--- He was not there hero only because they were aristocrats. -
Napoleon crowned king.
--- Napoleon has crowned himself as the king of the French people. -
Confederation of the Rhine
--- Napoleon created the Confederation of the Rhine consisting of a group of conquered German states. -
Invaded Spain and Portugal
--- Napoleon invaded Spain and Portugal, the following year he made the Papal States part of France and put the pope in prizon. -
Papel States, Pope in prizon.
---He created the Papel states with German peopel
--- WHile putting the pope in prizon to prevent challenge of power. -
Period: to
Great Britain
--- Band trade with Britain .
--- Was not susesfull becaus e it was hard to enforce. -
Invaded Russia
-Organize a army of 600,000 soldiers
-Largest army in the world
-Summer Napoleons Army envades Russia
-One of the battels the Russians didn't fight, They retreated
-They burned food, homes, leaving nothing behind. -
-- Moscow was abandened when Napoleon reache dthe village.
--After Frech arrived most of trhe town burned to theground.
--Napoleon withdrew the armies and went home. -
French Freeze
---Russias winter had started while own their way to French.
---French soliders froze to death at 40 degress below zero
--- Fewer than 100,000 soldiers made it back to France. -
Allies Join Together
--Napoleon quickley raised another army force
--They deafeted allied forces of Austria, Purssia, Russia, and Great Britain
--First time four contries tried to defeat Napoleon. -
Allies Take Paris
--Napoleon was forced to give up the throne.
--Was sent into exile to a small island of Elba.
--He escaped
--Gathered soldiers
--Regained power for a hundered days -
--- The Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon at the Battel of Waterloo. -
---Napoleon was sent to a African island of St.Helena and off the west coast of Africa, where he dies.